My New Rats


Rattie tat tat
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
Berkshire, UK
I've been umming and rring about getting a rat or a snake but decided that rats would be the safer option around my son (least they can run away) :lol:

I picked up two female rats in my local garden center this morning, they are still young (body wise, about 3").


This is one of them (not a good pic)


I am still deciding on names but think I like Daphne and Delilah.

One of them managed to wriggle free earlier, I spent 30 mins coaxing her out from under the sofa :crazy:
Girls are still hiding but I managed to get a pic or two on my phone, only of daphne, she is the more confident one;


Congrats on your new additions - they're beautiful. I have a soft spot for roans!

With new baby rats, I usually put on a big fluffy dressing gown, do it up tight and put them inside so they can come around with me and poke their heads out and look when they feel brave enough. They soon become used to your smell and feel safe enough with you to come out when you come to the cage and come back when they're out freeranging!

You'll also find they outgrow that cage pretty quickly (and get stuck in those tubes!!) - but you should be able to pick up a decent sized cage on eBay for very cheap which will be fine for them :)
Roan? Excuse my sillyness but is that what Daphne is (white blaze on face)?

They are small and I was worried they'd squeeze out the other cages lol I'm ebay hunting as we speak lol
I got another female today, so now have 3 in total, here are piccies;

New girl is the hooded at the front in corner;


New girl, not named her yet;

Yes, Daphne is black roan and your other two girlies are agouti hooded :) Very lovely little girls!

I would also suggest changing their litter to paper-based cat litter, shredded cardboard or shredded paper. The phenols given off by woodshavings have been known to cause multiple organ damage and irritate the respiratory tract. I buy shredded cardboard bedding from horse bedding merchants in big bales - usually costs me around £7 a bale and lasts for months!
Thanks for that!

I'm getting a bigger cage on Friday with some diff bedding x
Daphne is probably one of the sweetest looking rats I've ever seen. I love rats (and ferrets). I love the fact that they are small but smart and can be trained to do simple things such as using a litter tray and can therefore be allowed to free roam. Plus how they can actually learn to appreciate living with a human so will come for cuddles sometimes. :)
Daphne is probably one of the sweetest looking rats I've ever seen. I love rats (and ferrets). I love the fact that they are small but smart and can be trained to do simple things such as using a litter tray and can therefore be allowed to free roam. Plus how they can actually learn to appreciate living with a human so will come for cuddles sometimes. :)
I would love to own a ferret - I've been told they're like puppies!

Rats are very much 'you get out what you put in' - if you socialise your ratties well, they will seek you out. I have had many big boys who just simply sit in my lap and brux away while I scritch them :wub:
I have had less girls do it - but all my girls used to check in for a scritch - some would march up my chest and 'kiss', which was pretty cute.
Roans were very much 'in fashion' a while ago as they colour up like huskies as they get older - some even end up completely white - they're very cute though.
i find that with cats too, the males like their cuddles but females, not so much

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