My New Puppy -- Even More Pics; No Flash!

She's adorable Synirr! Hows the potty training going?
She has had a few accidents, but overall very good. She knows that outside is where she goes potty, just not that she isn't supposed to go inside too :rolleyes:
She's absolutely precious! My shih tzu, who was a rescue from a terrible cruelty that my shelter went to. She has barely any teeth and is about 6 or 7 years old. She took 3 months to potty train! And still has an accident now and then. She lived all her years in the house and was never even able to go outside to see what the outside was. She's terrified of the snow!!
She's great! Is she a little bit some terrier? The fur looks a little like some terrier breeds. If she is terrier and chuahua, she may get her batchlor's before you do. lol
Lovely chihuahua pup! She looks like a good longhair to me... her fur will get glossier as she gets older. Her puppy fur is what's making her look like a terrier!
She is like uber cute! :wub: Makes me miss CiCi. :-( But I'll see my poo bear on Tuesday. :wub:

Synirr, have you thought about pad-training her? It's really very useful for small dogs. It's almost like litter pan training for cats. I never have to worry about taking CiCi outside, especially up in IL, where in can get to be 20 below. I bet her poop would be so tiny, you wouldn't even notice it. CiCi took to it like a duck to water. I still take her out, but for long walks and she's not pressured into going to the bathroom, and I never have to take her out and wait around in my Pjs at 6am in the morning. The pads are also in hidden parts of my apartment and house, so no one knows that I even do this. She likes her privacy, so she goes off, does her business, and returns to the family. Like a private bathroom. It's pretty cool, and costs less than litter for a cat. You change the pads everyday, and flush the poop down the toilet, a lot like litter training for cats.

Again, she's super cute. I especially love the Satanic puppy look. Too bad we can't have multiple pictures nominated. Hey, if it counts for anything and if Angelady can remember, I nominate the Satanic Demon puppy picture for January's POTM. Someone second the nod, I bet it would win. As cute as crotch ferrets IMHO.
Synirr, have you thought about pad-training her? It's really very useful for small dogs.
She has training pads she has been using if we don't take her outside in time, but I'd FAR prefer that she go outside... that way I don't have to clean it up. We live kinda in the country and have a large backyard, so all we have to do is let the dogs out, wait a few minutes, and let them back in. Our other two dogs go to the door when they need to do their business, and Gypsy will be trained to do the same :)

However, I'm hopefully going to be transfering to a different college soon and moving away, so I may consider pad training then. Right now my future roommate and I are considering some little cheap rental houses that have backyards, but if we have to settle for an apartment I imagine those pads would come in quite handy!
I'm sure she's a smart enough dog that she could handle both training methods. Those toys can be as sharp as tacs!

Still say POTM nomination for January for the Satanic Demon Puppy Picture!
How is she doing with the other animals? Do they love her or hate her?
Dad's golden retriever likes her but is too big for her to be around unsupervised (could break her legs just by accidentally stepping on her)
Mom's chihuahua mix hates her, but it hates everybody so that's not unusual
Mom's cat doesn't care either way
Dad's cat loves her
My cat is kinda unsure of her because she's new... she'll get over it eventually. My cat is neurotic :)

Gypsy is friendly with everyone though, she runs up to the other animals with her tail wagging! :lol:

Angel Lady -- Which one in the yard?

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