Stunning! That goldfish is HUGE! Loving the comedy picture

. Coming along nice now, very good job
Thankyou very much

! I'm going to keep an eye out for a black/dark green/grey small plastic outside table as i'd like to make a central island out of one in the pond to put more pond plants on and to give the goldfish some more extra cover

. The pond is beginning to get a case of green water but i lugged my UV filter over today (came free with old pond equipment and never used it) so i will see if i can hook that up to help keep the pond clear. I would not be surprised if the pond gets blanket weed too as my old pond has lots of the stuff and is very easy to accidentally transfer, but i've heard barley straw extract is quite good at getting rid of blanket weed? Hmm.
Absolutly stunning pond,I bet now you realise it was worth all the time and effort, one thing are you going to put some sort of a cover over it (please not a net) to deter herons, something like a pergola or do herons not bother you where you are, they are a right pain in the neck where I am.
BTW you have made me turn a funny shade of green.
Actually the pond is already heron proof in terms of design as herons need to wade into water to hunt as they cannot directly step into deep water- so by having steep sides and a lot of depth technically herons should not be able to hunt in it. I might get a fake heron as a precaution though- the last one at my old pond worked great (i did see herons fly past the garden on occasion but not once did any of them land or go anywhere near the pond). I might get something like a pergola in the future though just to give it some shade (the whole garden is very sunny so algae could be a problem) and tree leaf protection etc, but its a real pain where i live as any form of structure needs planning permission (the pond needed planning permission, the decking needed planning permission- even when i move my fence in my own garden later this year i'm gonna need to apply for planning permission. They're very strict in this area

Definitely worth all the effort though

! I was getting really concerned about the time it was going to take to complete when the fiberglass on the bottom all had to be stripped down & re-done to fix a leak, but the guys did an awesome job on it and it added only a small amount of time on top of the whole project to complete

But anyhoo.
This morning i tested the pond water, results were;
0 Ammonia
0 Nitrites
20 Nitrates
7.6 PH
So the 10+ liter bag full of my old ponds established filter muck seems to have done the job and cycled the pond more or less instantly. So today i went and caught 15 more goldfish- not as many as last time but they're a bit larger on average, bringing the ponds grand total of goldfish to 40. Again by the time i got back today it was dark so no pics for now, but i'll see if i can get some pics of the new goldfish tomorrow

One random cool thing i saw just earlier as i was acclimatising the goldfish was the white ones jumping out of the water to catch moths & other insects in the moonlight

! Very cool, i have never seen so much of this behaviour before! I live very close to a public park, river, woodland & some farmland (all my neighbours have very flowery gardens with lots of trees too) so there is a lot of bugs in the area (especially tons of moths at night). The goldfish seem to be having a great time catching moths/bugs and are jumping every couple of minutes or so to catch them (though they're not jumping very high, sort of just half body out the water, i have to admit i'm a little worried about them accidentally jumping out of the pond but for now they seem to be concentrating on the center of the pond
