my new plec!

Went to an LFS recently and they had what I think was almost certainly a Blue Phantom plec marked as an L200, despite it being a dark grey colour with blue spots.

Can someone clarify, which number, L128 or L200, is normally the blue colour?


Look at Planet catfish - the L200 is green with with spots. No blue, dark grey or brown to be seen.
Obviously your LFS getting confused, or buying from retarded suppliers. Their markings are the same, but the L200 is green and the L128 is a blue/turqoise colour.

I think you paid a little too much for the green spotted plec....I work on an LFS and we sell them for about $50 canadian and they are about 3" big...I got mine for $35 with my employee discount.... :D bunjiweb that's a sick looking pleco....I was wondering if it's a good scavenger like the green spotted pleco cause I don't want it to starve like my gold nugget pleco which wouldn't eat anything at all.... I would like to get one, but do you think he'd do well with african cichlids??? both my green spotted pleco and gold ancistrus are doing extremely well..they actually help control the algae on my tank...just wonderin if the L128 will feed on algae????
Yes an L128 would go well with cichlids. They grow to about 6" and i have seen them included in many african cichlid setups.


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