My New Pandas And There New Tank


Dec 17, 2009
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Heres a few picture of my new pandas and my new Rio 180 you can see a few of my sterbai with them too.

The tanks looks well messy but that's only a day.. i changed it over from a dark sand yesterday.



very nice. are you going to get anythink else to go in there? the tank looks nice but i would change the string holding that plant down to fishing line because you can bearly see it in water thats what i use for mine and yo dont notice it unless you look really carefully
Thanks, ive got 6 pandas, 3 sterbai, 2 dwarf neon blue gouramis, 1 BN plec, 5 black skirt tetras and a couple of guppys and mollies they all look lost in there though there not big fish no idea what i want to add next though im getting 3 more sterbai in a couple of weeks to make them a nice 6 though.

There elastic bands lol you should see my bronze corys tank im trying to get java moss growing on there bogwood its covered in them i will try fishing line though the elastic bands do look terrible.
i just saw your thread about stocking it i would upp both the corys to 6 get a shoal of tetra or rasbora and get a trio of apisto as centerpieces.oh it looke like string but anyway the fishing line will lokk alot better

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