Do you have places for them to go hide when they are tired? I have used clear dividers too, and in the end I got some craft canvas to use instead. The canvas makes it harder for them to see eachother. I also have lots of plants and other places for them to be.
At this point they are probably trying to discover who is the more dominant of the two.
Another solution...If the tank is big enough, divide it again and put a female in the middle. They will flare at her too, but to a much lesser degree I have found. How big is your tank? I have a 10G divided 3 ways, female in the middle. The boys spend their days competing to see who can make the biggest bubble nest.
One word of caution though. Make sure they can't jump into eachother's side. I know that I am not the only one that had this happen. I was lucky in that it was a female that jumped in with her brother, some here have not been as lucky and have had a male jump in with another male. The result isn't pretty. What I do is cover the girl's compartment with craft canvas under the hood so she can't jump out. I have also lowered the water level, there is probably only 8-9G in the tank right now.