My New Lovefish Concept 27Litre Aquarium

That's a really cool looking little tank!  :)  There is one thing that stood out to me though.  Actually made me shudder thinking about it.  lol  You have that on a glass stand?  I'm not sure how much weight the tank is when filled..  but I would hate to think that the glass might not be able to support it for long.  It may be thicker than it looks....just wouldn't want it to break on you someday!  What do others think? 
DyArianna said:
That's a really cool looking little tank!  :)  There is one thing that stood out to me though.  Actually made me shudder thinking about it.  lol  You have that on a glass stand?  I'm not sure how much weight the tank is when filled..  but I would hate to think that the glass might not be able to support it for long.  It may be thicker than it looks....just wouldn't want it to break on you someday!  What do others think? 
Good point, I hadn't noticed the surroundings - I was focused on the tank.

I would imagine whole tank would weigh around 40kg what with water and substrate. I personally wouldn't put it on that glass table :/
That is a nice looking tank, perfect for a single betta, and maybe 2-3 male endlers. Not much else though. The other option would be a scarlet badis, which are much harder to come by.
What would be your opinion on the glass stand TLM?

I guess TV stands made of toughened glass can carry some weight - it's just the fact you'll have a living animal in there if it does happen to go pear shaped, hmm, dunno........
Sophie1992 said:
I wouldn't suggest betta and shrimp together. Often leads to the betta having an expensive meal and the shrimp hiding all the time. Just a betta would probably be the best since they're lovely fish. Shrimp are amazing en mass, but they need a mature tank first.
((I dont know why I cant see any of the pictures in the OP))
Wouldn't Amano be too big?
I never knew that.
I've seen a few threads in this forum about it, I think it was RCS though. :p
DreamertK said:
I wouldn't suggest betta and shrimp together. Often leads to the betta having an expensive meal and the shrimp hiding all the time. Just a betta would probably be the best since they're lovely fish. Shrimp are amazing en mass, but they need a mature tank first.
((I dont know why I cant see any of the pictures in the OP))
Wouldn't Amano be too big? :eek: I never knew that.
I've seen a few threads in this forum about it, I think it was RCS though. :p

RCS? *blush* Super new to the forums :<
DreamertK said:
RCS? *blush* Super new to the forums
' Dont you make angry faces at me!
Post more pics.
Gah it wasn't an angry face to begin with! These emoticons change, I've noticed it between positing on my phone to posting on the PC! :( Sorry b'awww.

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