Well, I've been wanting some actuall half moons for a while now, but I never see any I like enough to get.. well.. the other day I visited a couple LFSs and it was raining halfmoons on me. The first store got in a wicked shipment of HMs I didn't know which one to get, but then I found a very very nice melano HM and I had to get him cost me only 6.50 'cuz I have store credit and a 10% off coupon
so I head off to the next LFS to get some java moss thinking I've made off like a bandit when we go in... our eyes go
mg more HMs with good finnage.. WHAT? turns out earlier that day someone who breeds from chicago came in and dropped them off.. yeah... the price? 3.50 for males 2.20 for females.. soo I picked out a good male and two females, I couldn't believe it (and yes I got the java moss too.. a whopping .50 hah) soo... here are the pics of the boys, melano wouldn't sit still so this is the best I could do:
arent they hot? all for under $20