My New Hand Made Coldwater Tank Opinions ?

Agree eloda works well. it also oxygenates the tank. are you sure that stand can support that. it look a liitle slim to be holding 125litres and the tank itself with ornaments etc.

lol yes welded solid steel :) how many goldfish can fit in a 125 litre tank

elodea works well in unheated tanks, as does cabomba I think... :unsure:

thank you very much do u know how much goldfish this tank could hold i have 2 fan tails right now :) x
goldfish need 20 gallons each when fully grown. they can get up to 10" you could get away with 3 fantails as they on reach about 5"
So using your logic i can keep a 10" goldfish in a 24x15x15? :crazy:
atleast 40 gallon per goldfish, i'd say one, MAYBE 2 goldfish in a 125L and an internal is utterly useless with goldfish, over filtering is almost a neccesity with such a messy species, so get an external :good:

ok cheers mate i will be on the hunt of an external but if i kept say 10 fantails in my 125 litre for now cause i would shortly be moving them to a pond would that be ok ???
How big are they? And how long would this temporary situation last?

You'd be hideously overstocked, I'd say every other day water changes until you get them moved, and move them ASAP!
How big are they? And how long would this temporary situation last?

You'd be hideously overstocked, I'd say every other day water changes until you get them moved, and move them ASAP!

they would only be there for a couple of weeks but could i keep 5 in there for now
goldfish are one of the messiest fish on the planet Ben, if it were 5 other fish which were the same size as fantails you would be ok temporarily, but goldfish need serious overfiltration to keep the water clean, hence them being more common in ponds where pond filters are used which are HUGE :good:
I thought you meant shortly as in 3-4 days, not 2 weeks. If its a case of buy them now or buy them later then buy them later, definitely!

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