My New Guy


May 24, 2005
Reaction score
Western Washington
Hi y'all! I was at my new fav LFS yesterday getting a Mystery Snail for one of my tanks (I named him Hitchcock BTW) when I started to check out the last two bettas the store had on the shelf. The guy offered me a discount to take them both since they were starting to not look so good - no obvious diseases, just stress and needing clean water. So my friend who was with me took one and I took this guy (who I was in love with from the start anyway).


I think I'm going to need someone to rescue me, though, when my hubby comes home from his reserve weekend tonight and finds fishtank #5 and a new fishy. I'm toying with calling him Pewter but I haven't totally decided yet.

Now that I have figured out a way to download pics despite my lost camera cable, I will post pics of all my guys soon. :)
Yes, I paid a whopping $1.50 for this guy. His color is even better in real life, it's way more silvery lavender and hardly any blue.
He is a very pretty guy.. grey ones are cool don't see that very often.
Thanks guys! He seems to be settling in just fine. I'd like to see him a little more active but that should come after a day or two I suppose and he is eating so I'm not too concerned.

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