My New Friend

Thanks Natsuko, i hope its not a tumour.

I thought about prunes as well, so maybe see if i can find some. Would be best if i got dried as they would go off I think.

She ate two peas, so i hope it helps.
Fingers crossed for her, she's a lovely looking hammy :D Let us know how she is. I guess if she is still eating it's a good sign?
I guess so, but if she was blocked up then i wouldnt have thought she would eat very much.
She had two peas and wolfed them down.
But I would have thought if it was a large tumour she would have been quite poorly and probably not eating at all?

Hmm, it's difficult when you don't know what the problem is. All you can do is make her comfortable and keep an eye on her. Hope she pulls through, bless her.
Thanks bex. I got her two baby food jars, one with veg and the other apple, banana and pear. She had half a teaspoon of the last one.
Ive been told by hamster owners not to give anything she hasnt had before as it may cause the runs. So will just give her some extra veg and fruit and she how that goes. I think she is passing solid waste as there is a bit near her bed that wasnt there yesterday, so the tumour is looking more likely.
Thanks for the input though.
My son forgot to tell me that the vet said she is old. I was told when i bought her she was only a few months old, obviously not.
She may have been a breeder that is too old now and sold her as a young hamster. It wouldnt have mattered a fig to me if she had been old, i loved her as soon as i saw her and at least i would have been prepared for a few months rather than a couple of years.
She doesnt move around much now and sleeps all the time. I offer her water and little bits of food but she has very little appetite.
Im happy that i at least gave her a nice loving home for the last few months of her life, but also sad at the life she missed.
She passed away earlier.

Thank you to everyone for the kind words and suggestions.
Yes, im glad i had those last 4 months with her.
Thanks Chardonnay
I am so sorry for your loss... Honey was a beautiful hammy who had a loving family that cared for her til the end. I believe thats the greatest gift we can give any of our pets. RIP Honey :byebye:
:-( I am really sorry to hear about her passing. She was a gorgeous girl and I'm sure you brought much happiness to each other. I've had a hamster from a pet shop before where they said she was a lot younger than she was. We only had her about 6 weeks before she passed away, but I was happy that she was at least in her own little bed, in a loving home and not back at the shop with the other hamsters.

:rip: Honey :byebye:

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