my new fish

The second to the top is a Golden Chinese Algae Eater, not a loach. :/

I confirmed that for him. :)
My LFS On its price says that what you said but with loach aswell.
It must be some kind of loach.

Although my LFS is knowledgable I trust him as far as I know he is correct. If you follow that link I posted you will find a variety of information. Someone can correct me, but I was looking at one of these and researched them. I never once found anyone calling them a loach.
Hi Paul,

THe Tetras are Definetly Black Tetras, They Do get Big and Deeper than Normal Tetras.

If they Were Emperors, they would have Blue Eyes. and there Fins are more elongated and Yellow.

The Def Have the Black Tetra Shape and Markings
common slang for the chinese alge eater is the sucking loach. in fact at my local aquatics the tanks are labled sucking loach.

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