My New CT


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
So the new guy is just pretty much laying around in his tank.
He's in a 1G AquaClear tank. When I first put him in, he swam around and explored and flared, etc. I got here this morning and he flared and ate breakfast, then he swam over to his big ol' plant and kinda beaches himself on it. Then he swims around slowly and then plants himself on the bottom of the tank all droopy.

His belly is kinda puffy - I wonder if I just overfed him.
He only had 3 pellets this morning - and he got 4 yesterday afternoon.
Is it possible that if they haven't eaten in quite a while their bellies shrink, like ours do?
Or is that just dumb?
He could just be lazy. Sometimes, after the initial excitement of getting in the new tank and exploring it for potential sparring partners, then the fish just finds his new favorite plant and goes to sleep.

If you DID feed him too much, you may try giving him a pea. Peas are a Betta laxative, so to speak.

I wouldn't worry too much, though. It doesn't sound very serious.
I agree, some are just lazier than others. It's all part of the varied personalities that we all love so much.
Mines fairly lazy. I walk in sometimes to find him draped over the geater not moving. I get really paranoid, and when I tap the tank he doesn't move. Then I open the lid and poke him and he swims away.... grr.....
When you live in a confined are kinda limited on what you can do lol...being lazy comes natural ;).
Yeah, this is true.
It's just that he lives next to Lucky who is SO over active.
It's like he's on speed.
I suppose he's probably trying to swim away from the pain in his tail.
I think you'd know if Lucky was in pain by him moping, not eating, or even trying to attack the area that causes him pain. If he IS in pain, it's probably just mild. He's very much on the mend right now. If anything, it probably itches like we do when we're mending.
Yeah, that's true.
Every once in a while he just goes completely crazy like he's trying to jump out of his skin. he even flies out of the tank and rams his face into the lid of the tank. Scares the bajeezus out of me.
He also does laps nonstop. I wonder if he's become a nervous little fish after the whole tail ripping-off incident.
sometimes a pinch of salt will perk them up. i know people are split on the salt debate, but personally i feel that a little salt with water changes is fine. ive always done this and never had to deal with fin rot, fungus ect.( except for one i bought that way) hes completely fine now too. some fish just do better with a little salt in their water.. kinda like alot of livebearers, if you dont add salt to the water they end up with alot of fungus,ect. if youre not already doing this i would try it for awhile and see how it goes.
Every once in a while he just goes completely crazy like he's trying to jump out of his skin. he even flies out of the tank and rams his face into the lid of the tank. Scares the bajeezus out of me.
He also does laps nonstop. I wonder if he's become a nervous little fish after the whole tail ripping-off incident.

That's possible, other bettas being around and within his vision range. He could also be reacting fearfully to something as simple as a shuffled peice of paper, a change in lighting, etc. My betta Shyboy was terrified of ANY movement when I first got him. Until he settled down - which took weeks - he spend most of his time either hiding or insanely crashing into everything in his tank and attempting to burrow into the gravel to hide himself.
reddeerhobbiest said:
sometimes a pinch of salt will perk them up. i know people are split on the salt debate, but personally i feel that a little salt with water changes is fine. ive always done this and never had to deal with fin rot, fungus ect.( except for one i bought that way) hes completely fine now too. some fish just do better with a little salt in their water.. kinda like alot of livebearers, if you dont add salt to the water they end up with alot of fungus,ect. if youre not already doing this i would try it for awhile and see how it goes.
He does have salt in his tank.
I always put a little pinch in when I get fish into their tanks for the first time, and after the first few water changes.
I'll keep an eye on him, though.
RandomWiktor said:
Every once in a while he just goes completely crazy like he's trying to jump out of his skin. he even flies out of the tank and rams his face into the lid of the tank. Scares the bajeezus out of me.
He also does laps nonstop. I wonder if he's become a nervous little fish after the whole tail ripping-off incident.

That's possible, other bettas being around and within his vision range. He could also be reacting fearfully to something as simple as a shuffled peice of paper, a change in lighting, etc. My betta Shyboy was terrified of ANY movement when I first got him. Until he settled down - which took weeks - he spend most of his time either hiding or insanely crashing into everything in his tank and attempting to burrow into the gravel to hide himself.
That's entirely possible.
He sits next to my mouse and my phone.
I suppose I don't even realize he may be terrified of all this movement from the big monster out here.

Even so, right now I am sitting perfectly still watching him and he's doing the snake dance like nobody's business. He's madly shaking his rear end like he's trying to get something loose. He was whipping around here so much the other day that he ripped his bottom fin to shreds.

Man, I can't WAIT til this tail grows back.
Not to mention the suspense is killing me! lol
can you post a bigger pic -- can't see him very well in your sig. i love ct's! they're so cool :D
Here ya go =)


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