My New Bettas Arrived Safe And Sound Today!


Fish Herder
Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
My new additions all arrived safe and sound this morning :) :good: I'm thrilled with them all! Firstly there are the three girls from Natalie on another forum. They are SD x HM. All very pretty girls and I was extra excited about receiving them as I'd been following their progress from the moment of spawning onwards! They have been named Rainbow, Twinkle and Sprout (the runt of the spawn :wub:)

Next there are two from Wayne on another forum. I bought a male and a female from him. The female has been immediately claimed by my daughters and is now in their bedroom! The male is super gorgeous. He's mostly white, with some blue around the tail. He has luminous, glow in the dark, lips! :wub:

Finally there are 4 girls from betta boys. A gold HM, a gold CT, plus two of their home breds. One is a Platinum CT and the other a combtail that was being kept for breeding but they didn't have time for breeding. All gorgeous girlies! :wub:

I'll get some photos up as soon as I can. They're all hiding away in the plants at the moment.
Sorry to interlope here, but could you post a link to Betta Boys - nothing sensible comes up on Google.

I have seen The Fish Hut, and but can't seem to find this one.
Sorry to interlope here, but could you post a link to Betta Boys - nothing sensible comes up on Google.

I have seen The Fish Hut, and but can't seem to find this one.

Hope this works!

Cant wait to see them Nat! What do you think of BB home breds then?

They're lovely Siobhan! They need to grow into their bellies though!! :lol: :lol:
Nicki now that i can believe, think i need to get backin contact so i don't miss out on these guys :lol:
Female from Wayne:


Male from Wayne:

check out the lips!!


3 girls from Natalie: (not showing true colours of pic 2 and 3)




4 girls from Betta Boys:

Combtail home bred

CT home bred

Gold CT

Gold HM
:hyper: All super gorgeous!! Loving BB homebreds :good: told you you'd love the golds!, can't wait to get mine from Nat and Wayne now :D
Where do I fond him haha?
If u can't say on here then fb or email me :)

Got 13 new Penn plax tanks coming in the next few days hehe, might get some new residents for them x

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