My New Betta


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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As some may know I was planning on getting a Betta for my office space. I wasn't planning to do this until March or so. I was hoping to plant a tank and have some growth before I introduced my fish. But I saw this guy and I just couldn't say no!! And it was totally by chance that I found him!!
Here he is: 



I went out of town to visit a friend for her birthday. I almost didn't go because all of our other friends canceled and I didn't want it to be just the two of us at a club. Anyways I decided, heck it was her birthday, the least I could do was go with her. 
So we went and ended up having a really great time.
Anyways, I'm a pretty early riser, but I didn't wake up until about 8:30. 
Anyways I stopped at a cafe on my way back and had breakfast. I ended up reading my book there for about an hour. As I was leaving I realized there was a little pet shop next door. I realized it was a store I had heard a guy from a LFS I visit occasionally. So I decided to investigate.
I ended up finding a filter for the Betta tank I was planning on setting up, I also found a nice big piece of drift wood as well as 4 Zebra Danios, (2 of which were Albino, I didn't know they could be Albino, but I suppose any species can be Albino) 
ANYWAYS! I was headed to the front when I came to the Betta unit and I saw this guy, he had two big stripes going horizontally down his side. But he was pretty active. I just had to have him, he cost a whopping 15$ CAN.
So can anyone tell me what type he is? I don't think he's veil tail, as they're usually like 4$...
He wasn't looking to well this morning though, he seemed rather lethargic, I'm hoping he'll have perked up when I get home..
Not 100%, but IMO he could be a super delta. Would be betta to get a pic with him fully flared to ID him properly. Nice betta either way, love those red eyes.
He is absolutely stunning!  I can totally understand why you had to have him.  He looks to be a super delta but there is always the possibility of him being a HM.  You won't know unless you can get him to fully flare to see if he achieves the full 180 spread.
I've had him for like two days now and he hasn't flared at all. He's looking better than he was yesterday morning, which is good.
But he isn't eating, I'm not sure if it's because he doesn't realize the food is there or what. I had the same problem with the last betta I had, I'm not sure how I can get him to notice the food, which is floating flakes, because even when it sinks he doesn't pay much attention to it. 
Any advice?
Also I've decided to name him Drifter, whenever he stops he just tends to drift onto his side a little because his fins are so big compared to the rest of him :p 
He may still be taking time to adjust, I'd just give him a day or two. Bettas won't starve themselves, no need to worry. If he still doesn't eat in a week, increase the temperature in his tank a bit, that should help.
Thanks :) I'll probably be back in the next few hours with another question :p
What a beautiful fish!  Congratulations!  I just got a beautiful little female (not much finnage but great color) about a month ago.
About the not eating problem: It doesn't sound too serious.  He could just be adjusting.  However, if this persists, you might want to try some frozen bloodworms or other betta favorite.  Just be sure not to feed too much as this could lead to constipation.  About 1-7 pellets/small flakes/bloodworms a day should be all.
Good luck with your new betta!
I would suggest you switch to pellets.  Bettas don't always go for flakes as much and really don't do as well on flake food.  Otherwise I wouldn't stress too over much about him not eating.  Sometimes it can take them up to a week to eat especially if they are new. You can also try soaking the food in garlic(works better with pellets).  Something about garlic makes it almost irresistable to most bettas.
Alright I'll have to try that. I'll probably wait until this weekend to really start worrying and try soaking fish food in garlic water though :p 
He looks like a HM that carries the DT gene to me. Purely because SD's tend to have a more rounded tail, even when not flaring whereas HM's have the straight edges to theirs and it rounds out at the edge. And the reason for thinking he carries the DT gene is his dorsal fin. DT not only makes the tail split into two(when they are pure DT) but lengthens their dorsal too.
I would like to politely disagree.  I do not believe he has any signs of carrying DT geno.  Bettas that are either DT or carry DT geno have a wider dorsal at the base not a longer dorsal.  Super deltas (and some halfmoons)  in my experience have the thinner based longer dorsal fin like this particular betta has.
I definitely think he has no DT in him. His dorsal would start much higher on his back if he did.
Well it's officially been a week and he has eaten nothing. He's starting to look pale now. For a few days he was large as if he was constipated but that has begun to subside. Is there any way other than soaking his pellets in Garlic that I can make him eat?
Actually, I have some blood worms for my Ram tank, I'll try those.
But does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm starting to get desperate. 
I was looking at it wrong :lol: I thought his dorsal was higher up his back hence the thinking of the DT but now I look again I realize I was wrong.
KrystaK said:
Well it's officially been a week and he has eaten nothing. He's starting to look pale now. For a few days he was large as if he was constipated but that has begun to subside. Is there any way other than soaking his pellets in Garlic that I can make him eat?
Actually, I have some blood worms for my Ram tank, I'll try those.
But does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm starting to get desperate. 
Are the bloodworms you're offering frozen or freeze dried? Always go with frozen. You can try garlic soaked bloodworms or brine shrimp. What's his temp at? If he's too cold that can cause lethargy and lack of appetite. Any tank mates? How is the filter flow?

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