My New Betta...


Fish Addict
Feb 4, 2007
Reaction score
Hi everyone!

Yes...I've got the bug now. :blush:

Got a new betta today. He's my second - I've only had my first a few weeks (see him in my avatar, he had his own post a few weeks ago :p) and now I love them. Saw this guy and how pretty he was and couldn't resist. Didn't notice til I had him home but he has blue eyes too!!! :hyper:

Unfortunately I couldn't get him another 5 gallon like my first betta has (space and parental issues!) so he's in a 1.5 gallon hex. But I think he'll be ok in that, I keep hearing about tiny jars and things other people keep them in! I figure it's only fair to swap them around occasionally so each gets a holiday in the big tank :p.

Anyway here's a few shots of him. I discovered that hex tanks do not make easy photography! So excuse the quality. Also, I couldn't get him to flare for the camera much, he's probably still settling in. Especially couldn't get him to fan out his tail much - though he might have been worn out from the shop with bettas either side of him in barracks...I'll try and get some better, CLEARER shots of him later when he might feel more like performing.His fins seem a lot more delicate than my other betta. Thinner, longer and more floaty or something. But he doesn't seem to have the fin damage/clumpiness my other betta had. I've given him a bit of salt and a smidge of Melafix anyway in case he's got any bugs.

Photographs never truly do them justice do they? His body is mostly a dark brown/bronze colour, but when the light hits him right you see blue on him, like in the second picture. His fins are mostly a pale pink/apricot type colour with flecks of red through them, and a bright blue on the ends and at the bases. At the base of his dorsal he has a beautiful spotty pattern, reminds me a bit of what you can see on guppy tails. His ventral fins are dark pinky-red with blue tips. I love his eyes! Is there a name to describe his colour patterns? Anyway here he is:


Tell me what you think of him!
Wow.. he is a gorgeous lil fella!
His coloring is so striking and unique... and those eyes! Wow.. never saw such an intense blue eye color like that before. :wub:
O WOW!!! :look: :look: :drool: A betta with blue eyes! That is so AWESOME!! :hyper: I could only wish to find a betta like that!!! :nod:


Thankyou for all your lovely comments! It's nice to know I've found something a bit special - I didn't know whether blue eyes were actually quite a common thing and I was getting excited over nothing... :blush:

Where I got him actually had quite a lot of bettas that I'd consider "unique" looking - like outside the realm of your ordinary reds and blues. I can see myself getting sucked in again next time I'm there! :lol:
Thanks very much!!!

Good news, I think I've finally fixed the current with a cut up coke bottle - it was tricky, cos the filter was in an awkward spot. I nearly took it out altogether cos he was being blown around, but I think he's much happier now. :good:

Need good names for my fish...I feel so bad they're all unnamed still...

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