Hmmm, I dunno if you could put him in there since you have cichlids becasue I've never kept any cichlids. But yes the name of the fish is a betta or otherwise known as a siamese fighter fish. He is very peacful and is very pretty. He doesn't bother anyone as long as they don't bother him and they don't bother him.
dad has 2 peacock cichlids in his community tank, along with some tetras, royal red gouramis and a red tailed shark and they get on fine, they just had babies though and got very territorial but other than that theres no fights
how much do you pay for a betta and which are less aggressive, males or females?
nice betta mike! I recently went to the lps to look at some bettas, and I was considering one that looked a bit like yours except iit had a few more red fins.
And martin, bettas cost anywhere from 2-4 dollars and it really just depends on the betta you get they are both the same aggresivnes. (is that a word lol ) but you can't ever get 2 males in the same tank they will fight till death but you could (I think) get 2 female bettas in the same tank, Males have much longer finnage, females have shorter finnage. And I still dunno about the cichlids as I have never had any. Hopefully someone will help you with that. Or you could just get a betta hex or a dual betta hex and take out the divider and put him in there. HTH