My New Betta Zsa Zsa

About to do water change so while the hood was off I decided to remove a few of the floating plants
This is after I removed some.
No just Duckweed, Water sprite, And Riccia. I tried Azolla it all died.
I just fed brine shrimp. This is how she spends most of her day just gliding around thru the plants. Notice the shrimp are not afraid of her.
Yeah, they just float around her like "weeeee!"
And she just ignores them, too!

Maybe you should get another female betta so she has a fish to interact with and you can watch them. It's cool watching mine occasionally dance around each other. The crowntail is definitely the top of the pecking order, and the halfmoon I just got is at the bottom (and she's the largest, go figure...). They dance now and then just to remind each other of who is in charge of who.
She has grown a bit in the time I have had her.
I wouldnt be game to put other females in with her now, Madam is quite " This is my tank" attitude.
My betta loves her riccia bed. This is what I mean by she climbs on/into the riccia mat, Way nicer that some plastic leaf with wire in it and a suction cup. I got her one she refuses to go near it, can't say I blame her.

Yup im comfy, Now if only the I can convince the human to stop using the flash.
Here is madam doing her thing, If she is not looking for food she is paroling her turf flaring at snails on the glass. As I type this she is building a bubble nest again.
Its a hard life.
This fish is male for sure.
Here's a few more photos. Lets build a bubble nest.

If she puts her own eggs in it, that would be funny!

But I just put a male veiltail with a female crowntail of similar color (blue-green), and she helped him build the nest after I released her from the jar. So I can't say this is too surprising. At least she didn't do like my chocolate female and teach the male how to EAT the eggs!
Have you tried letting her or him to flare?

I love flaring photos! Haha

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