My New Betta :) + Taking Pictures


New Member
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Hey all,

I'm new to the forums, and to Bettas.

I bought a new Betta on Sunday. He's royal blue (I think) with red in his fins. Very very pretty :) I named him Simon.

The only question I have right now, is how does everyone get such nice pictures of their fish? I only ended up with dark or blurry pictures, no matter how much light I had. So... any suggestions would be great :)
hi. what camera type do you have? if you're putting the camera up really close, you should have the macro setting on. If not, then you have to take that setting off or it causes blurry photos. Try putting light from above, and turning the camera's flash off. Set the shutter speed to really fast (something like 1/500 second) and that should help :) Then, take dozens of photos and some should turn out well ;)

Also - If your camera had Micro, put the tripod right up to the tank, put your camera in the macro function, wait till the fish is still and snap it. No lights on, just the tank light. The room should be semi-dark. My cameras funny, if its too dark in the room the pics will come out too dark. Ceiling lamps work best. But the light should be low, if you need it like me.
I took the picture you will see on the left of this text (my av) in the steps I tolsd you, thats how alot of my pics turn out..

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