I went to Big Al's today and looked at the Betta section (not intending to buy one) and I saw one I couldn't stop looking at
. I don't like spending money but it was amazing and I'm buying it (I have it reserved so I have to). I'm buying him tomorrow and they'll take my 4 Mollies and I'll use that money to buy him. Then I'll divide the 10gal 2 ways for my 2 Bettas. I dissolved a Ich Tablet in my 10 gal just in case because I think my Betta might have Ich and I don't want the mollies to pass it on to the store fish. But this Betta will be in 1gal quarantine for a week anyways so the other tank can cure and he can show if he has anything. Here's a picture:
What kind of Betta is he? Is he a Mustard Gas? Is the a special kind of Betta? Does he seem good for breeding? What should I name him? I'm gonna try asking if he breeds true because I know most store Bettas don't.

What kind of Betta is he? Is he a Mustard Gas? Is the a special kind of Betta? Does he seem good for breeding? What should I name him? I'm gonna try asking if he breeds true because I know most store Bettas don't.