My New Baby Guinea Pigs!


Jan 18, 2005
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Kent, UK
Thought I would post a couple of pics of my 2 new girlie Guineas who we have named Toffee and Peppa. We have had them 2 weeks and they are now 10 weeks old. They are a bit skittish at the moment, but they are sooo adorable :wub:


and here they are trying to escape from the laundry basket while I was cleaning their cage out :D


Now, theres the only animal i cannot hold :crazy: They freak me out so much - I think i have Guinea Pig phobia!! :lol:

But they are very cute! I hear they make really nice, sweet little pets! I like the black and brown one best! :D And i have a feeling you'll be replacing that laundry basket soon - wont take long for those little teeth to chew a hole through it :lol:
they are very sweet looking, the brown one with the tufty bit on his head is especially pretty.
Aww they're so cute. I can't wait to get more guinea pigs in future. I only have 4 at the minute but i used to have 15 at the same time as 5 rabbits. I'll have to tell the b/f that we need more, well it saves buying a lawn mower :lol:

Have you had guineas before? I can highly recommend this forum for all guinea pig things and they have expert advice on vet care.

Emma :D
I love guinea pigs! Though my dad won't let me get them anymore, that is at least I move out of his house. Mine died just a few months ago. :(
I love my 2 piggies. They are both skittish but when I stroke their heads they sort of wait 'cos they know they are going to get a cuddle and when I put them back in their cage they get a treat :drool: They are such greedy little hubby wont hold them nor will my grown up son they are worried about them :lol: :lol:
:wub: :wub: i used to have lots of piggy & bred one & the mum deaded :-( :-( so i had to hand feed the babies
they are very sweet looking, the brown one with the tufty bit on his head is especially pretty.

It's called a crested guinea pig. If you think that's cute, look up an Abbysinnian. Those kind have a bad hair day!!

My male abbysinnian was 6 and a half when he died of kidney cancer. Good luck on a nice long life for your piggy girls!!!
they are very sweet looking, the brown one with the tufty bit on his head is especially pretty.

It's called a crested guinea pig. If you think that's cute, look up an Abbysinnian. Those kind have a bad hair day!!

My male abbysinnian was 6 and a half when he died of kidney cancer. Good luck on a nice long life for your piggy girls!!!

Its not an abbysinnain just a crested. Abys have rossetts all over there body(8 if they are throughbred)
anyhos this thread is more than a year old :unsure:
They are both gorgeous.
The Ginger and White one looks like a Dutch cross and the other is a Crested Harlequin but it has white in the crest so more like a Crested Tri-Colour.

Regarding the skittishness some guineas aren't handled from birth and they are a bit more lively than others. I have a couple of pigs that I handled right from being born and they still do not like to be picked up. You have to remember they are a prey animal and something large coming to get them they think could possibly eat them.

Any questions ask away.
Emma x
they are very sweet looking, the brown one with the tufty bit on his head is especially pretty.

It's called a crested guinea pig. If you think that's cute, look up an Abbysinnian. Those kind have a bad hair day!!

My male abbysinnian was 6 and a half when he died of kidney cancer. Good luck on a nice long life for your piggy girls!!!

Its not an abbysinnain just a crested. Abys have rossetts all over there body(8 if they are throughbred)
anyhos this thread is more than a year old :unsure:

I know it's a crested, that's what I said. I just suggested also looking up abbysinnians. I've had three of them and loved their hair-dos.

And what's a throughbred? Do you mean purebred? Because a thoroughbred is a kind of horse.

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