My new Baby Goth


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I found my new baby, Goth, floating this morning. :sad:

I did have a nitrite spike yesterday, maybe .25 or .3, no ammonia or nitrates. I had forgotten to turn the filter back on after feeding. :*) I did a water change. Goth had never looked well to me. He just wasn't vital and appeared stressed.

Today the nitrites are a just below .25/marginal and the nitrates are up a to 4 or 5. I am hopping to get a refund, because I paid $35 for him. I woudn't think an overnight spike would kill a healthy goldfish. He has a black spot on the side of his head that I saw yesterday? Also he was acting poorly before I forgot the filter. I had talked to the manager about him. He had told me to give him a few days. Of course my lfs has a 3 day, perfect water policy. I got him late Friday. It is boarderline.
That is so sad. I'm really sorry you lost him so quickly. Afraid I dont know why it happened, but none of the other fish are looking ill are they? If as you suspect he came in with something i really hope he didnt pass anything on.
If you get another fish, please quarantine it for a month.
If you cant get a ten gallon then a rubbermaid with a filter will be enough. Treat all newcomers as if they have parasites because 9 times out of 10 they usually are.

Once again, i'm really sorry :(
I usually do quarantine for 18 days. I do get careless sometimes. :(

I have two 3 usgs not set up waiting for bettas. But I have dividers coming so that can be resolved.

I will probably take a credit for now if they offer. I want to give the tank a rest and get some new tanks set up, etc. I don't know if I want another from the same batch.

Thanks, black angel. Is there any thing I should do for the tank now?
If it was me then i would just watch them really closely and cross fingers nothing was transferred and at the slightest hint of anything start using salt.
Get some aquarium salt or pickling or kosher or solar salt just in case.
I have been adding aquarium salt as it disolves. It takes me forever to disolve salt. I started adding it when I started the whole house treatment for culumnaris. There are no signs of it in the goldies, but it has shown up in the diamond head neons in two tanks. The 100 usg is a cross contamination, so I just decided since I have the medication to treat all the tanks at once.

I can put the dividers in, start the 3 usgs and clear a 10 usg for quarantine.
Are you keeping an eye on how much is going in? For parasites its 3 level teaspoons per gallon. I use boiling water to dissolve in a cup but add gradually.
I added tbls by the box directions. I will work it out to you directions.
Ok then, but only do .1% which is 1 level teaspoon per gallon and then wait 12 hours before taking it to .2% and then again 12 hours to .3% so as the fish get used to it slowly.
I'm taking the Goth in after I shower and will see if they can figure out what happened. I have been adding slowlly. First because it takes so long to dissolve, Unless they tell me it is a parasite, I will probably leave it at the level I first measured. I get lost sometimes where I am at and have to measure at the beginning. Still I will get even more confused as I do water changes. I tend to under measure because Im guessing volume.

I'l get back later.

Thanks, black angel
Well, Keith the manager wasn't there. I left Goth for him with some water. I noticed that the same neon tank has a new batch in today with at least one tail bobber and all look in an advanced case of culumnaris. I left some print outs of culumnaris from a Wilder post and the printout of CRC's on NTD. I believe the NTD began with the breeder and the culumnaris began as a secondary infection, possibly also with the breeder. Then I walked in and bought two batches of neons against my better judgment. There was a bobber in the tank then too. I just wanted some neons. I then had brought them home to my family. AGHH! I can be so impusively stupid.

I went to get some dividers and a bubble screen. Tomorrow I will begin to work on getting tanks changed and freed up--after I get some dishes done. :lol:

Oh! and the guy who helped me said that the dark spot looked like it could be a bruise. He thought if Goth was lying around on the bottom he could have gotten thumped by one of the other goldies. It's a fair assumption.

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