My new baby dwarf puffers!

Sometimes being lost to start with is a good thing. With puffers, if you had 7 in a 10gal. they would start a "pecking order" right from the get go because they will be in close contact with each other. If you started them off in a 55gal. with just them in it, they could establish their own territory with out too much interaction between fish. When they reach adult hood, it would be more of a "natural" environment and may even succeed in having you own "little" puffers running around.
Carolinesugar said:
OoHeatheroO ~ im assuming you havent read it propperly, as i said i took out the gravel and water, meaning the tank had already been set up. had you read some of my other posts, you would know that the tank had been running along time, and had fully cycled. i know you thought u were helping, by offering advice, but assuming things never got anyone anywhere!

Also, i do have other tanks, that can be ready within a few minutes if need be, but at the moment, their happy living together, and until they start picking on each other, thats how they will stay. Ive also thought about the future, and have done ever since i saw them and wanted to have some, ive waited about 6 months, so that i could read everything i can about them, before getting them.

When they have got abit bigger, i will move them into a bigger tank, but i dont see the point in putting them in a huge tank to begin with, mainly because they would be lost in there.
I assume then you just used your ESTABLISHED filter media to let it cycle? Sorry for misreading. All I know is that it is better to switch them to a larger tank now so that you don't have any fish deaths or injuries to worry about. 7 dp's in a 10 gallon is way too many to put together, even as juviniles. You will learn very quickly how fast they establish dominance and territory. Just make sure you watch them and see that all of them are eating. Trust me they wouldnt be lost in a large tank, my three come out without fear and swim along in the 55 gallon with barbs and gouramis. They have no fear at feeding time either.
Thanks Caroline,have been to Worthing today and got 6 for £10 thats a £35 saving.

They are so cute love them to bits,think my dogface might get jealous

Sam x

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