Fish Fanatic
Thanks for that, so no protein skimmer, UV etc?
I thougth that these were needed?
I thougth that these were needed?
Thanks for that, so no protein skimmer, UV etc?
I thougth that these were needed?
Thanks everyone!!Very nice pictures. Just wondering...what gets your clown goby to eat?
Looks like u forgot to write ur address... Cant send them to u now lol!do the right thing send all your corals to this addres ......looking awseome . Massive improvement in coral colours are you still using the stock lighting? they almost look like they are with metal halide
I believe it is actually a type of Macro Algae, and not a coral at all, very easy to care for and a fast grower.
I believe it is actually a type of Macro Algae, and not a coral at all, very easy to care for and a fast grower.
Yeah correct its some sort of red bubble algae! It apeard from the shell of my snail