Getting there now, not many fish left to meet!
Here we have Red Stripe, the Red Line Torpedo Barb. Red stripe likes bloodworm and goes mad for flakes. He lives in the middle part of the water around the top of the rock pile or wood. Very very quick, and incredibly skittish. Tricky to catch! He was part of a shoal of 5 all about 4" long, but unfortunately I played a lot of loud music one night and all but this guy were belly up the next day. A lesson to us about how delicate they are. 6 more baby red stripes are in quarantine due for release this week. No more loud music in the lounge!
Red Stripe has a mate called Slim, who I have just found out is a Slender Hemiosis (sp?) I inherited Slim and now know he could do with a friend or two. Very twitchy, I wonder whether slim is actually a bit loopy.
Then we have the pair of Albino Corys. These are also inherited, but a great addition to the tank. They like flake and bloodworm. There is a pair who are often together- the larger one is the female. They have laid eggs in the last tank they were in but not in this one! They root around in the sand looking for food, and occasionally jet up to the surface for a gulp of air then back down again with a spilsh. Generally to be found towards the front of the tank where there is less cover.
Finally I think, I got this little chap. I am certain that if he could have it his own little way, he'd have some friends- but with Blade in the tank I think that would just draw attention. There are about 3 other little guys of different types, but they hide in the deep roots at the back of the tank.
If anyone can tell me how to photograph Leopard Danios without just getting a number of blurs on the shot, then I will add some!