My New 38 Gallon Tank (40 Gallon)

I have the nastiest film on the top of the water. I've read that it is probably a protein buildup. Anyone have experience with this?
I have the nastiest film on the top of the water. I've read that it is probably a protein buildup. Anyone have experience with this?
quite common with new setups i believe. nothing a good water change or filtration can't solve

Nice aquascape. I like it a lot. :good:

I'm in agreement with Three-Fingers about the water. Pure RO water is so pure it will absorb almost anything it comes into contact with, and is very mineral deficient.

Fish need minerals to stay healthy, but when pure RO water is used, the water is so pure it can actually absorb minerals from the fish. Obviously this can't be good.

As Three-Fingers says, try half RO and half tap water as the tap water will provide the required minerals and make the water safe for fish.

How are you cycling the tank? with fish? Do you know your water stats?

Cheers :good:

That was the exact problem with it not cycling. I added some tap and it immediately starting cycling.

I'm currently using RO with the product RO Right which adds essential minerals to the RO.

I will post some current pictures today.
whooaa!!! looks great!!!

looks like you also have a bit of an algea problem...


looks like u have a spelling

Yes I do have algae on the rocks but I haven't found a way to fully eliminate it. I use Algaefix by API every 4 days. Any other suggestions?
whooaa!!! looks great!!!

looks like you also have a bit of an algea problem...


looks like u have a spelling

Yes I do have algae on the rocks but I haven't found a way to fully eliminate it. I use Algaefix by API every 4 days. Any other suggestions?

Tank looks good, crystal clear. Do you know what type of algae it is? Sort of hard to see from the pic.

You could try a blackout. Cover the tank with a blanket and no lights for two or three days, should kill all the algae off. If you choose this method, make sure you add extra aireation and do a big water change after. Scrubbing the rocks and rinsing them should help. I think C02 injection or Flourish Excel might work, not 100% sure though. What about small Plecos or Otos? Algae products can be pretty harsh on fish and are not normally advisable to use.
Cool...thanks for the suggestion.

I think it's just regular green algae...not BGA, Hair or anything like that.

It's not really bad and I think the culprit is the lighting. I have the Hagen Glo that is supposed to be 35 Watts but it's a T5 and I think the 35W is way under rated. It's is very bright...I had to darken that picture a bit because the camera was picking up too much lighting.
Cool...thanks for the suggestion.

I think it's just regular green algae...not BGA, Hair or anything like that.

It's not really bad and I think the culprit is the lighting. I have the Hagen Glo that is supposed to be 35 Watts but it's a T5 and I think the 35W is way under rated. It's is very bright...I had to darken that picture a bit because the camera was picking up too much lighting.

Sometimes changing the spectrum of lighting can help and/or cutting back on how long the lights are on. Max 6-8 hrs.

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