Time for an update.
I finally got some sand for the 30gal and got that set up in there. Took a good 3 days to clear up enough to see through it easily, and while there's still a bit of residue that hasn't settled yet, it's looking awesome. I got a new light bulb, as the one my friend gave me was blown, and I could try my luck with live plants if I wanted as the bulb I got can grow them (according to the guy at my LFS). Anyways, after letting the sand settle, I moved the fish back in and let them explore their new flooring. I also decided to go for a nice school of tiger barbs as well, as not only do they need a nice group to be happy, they school together great. While I picked up a bulb for my light, I grabbed up the remaining 10 tiger barbs that were on sale, a sale ending today. Sadly, I lost a couple in the day or two after (shouldn't of introduced 10 at once, my guess). One died on the first night, I happened to walk up to the tank and the little guy was doing loops in the water, slowly and slowly raising towards the surface. Once he hit the surface, he thrashed a bit at the top of the water before becoming still and floating with the current, gasping for breath. A minute later, he stopped breathing. I woke up the next morning to no better news, finding one more tiger barb eaten at the bottom of the tank. Whether he got attacked and then eaten, or died and then picked at, I'm not sure. Later that day I found one final tiger barb, floating at the top of the tank dead. Thankfully, I haven't lost any since then. It seemed a little out of the blue though, as they were all swimming together fine and no signs of anything wrong beforehand. Anyways, here's a couple pictures I just took. After a couple changes of scenery, and after getting a few more pieces of slate from my friend, this is how its looking. Planning to get a couple more plants, and they'll reach to the surface as the ones in there now I trimmed. Some kind of an ornament or driftwood too, maybe. Background still coming soon, as well

(It keeps slipping my mind)
x3 Green Terrors (still small, see pics)
x11 Tiger Barbs (from 14 to 11)
x1 Gold Barb (sadly lost one of these as well a bit back)
x1 Goldfish
x1 Pleco
In Light, Tank Light Off
In Dark, Tank Light On
Green Terrors
- I'm pretty sure this is the medium of the three, may be the biggest though
- I think this is the biggest, curse my bad memory
- This is the biggest
- Biggest and medium, I'm just realizing how close they're getting in size
- The smallest, cute little guy, scared of the world.
Tiger Barbs (and Gold Barb)
- There's no way I could get individual pics, so here's a group shot and picture eleven of them 
- Another group shot, Gold Barb on bottom right
- Annnnnnnd one of the pleco
Although he's stuck to the wall here, he's been swimming a lot more recently
So there you have it, my 30gal as it is now. I meant to get a shot of the zipper loach in the 15gal too, but forgot.

I may post a video in the video section, too, so if I do, I'll edit the link in here. If anyone would like to comment, that'd be great. I'd love to hear some thoughts on my tank, or towards improving it.