My New 20 Gallon Finally Done.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California.
All set up and running minus the hood and fish.

Substrate: Black "Moon Sand"

Plants: As of now, mostly plastic minus Java Moss on a decoration. Soon to be added: Two medium Java Ferns from previous tank.

Background: Simple black posterboard taped on, haha.

Filter: Penguin 200

Hood: Standard hood for a 20 gallon should be arriving soon in the mail.

I've put the Bio-Wheel from my previous tank's filter on top of the tank to float around, I don't know, figured maybe it'd help. I added a tiny bit of Stress Coat, only 1/2 teaspoon. I have gathered up a bunch of gravel from my previous tank as well and put that in the tank on the bottom within a pantyhose (classy, I know). Also, I've put the filter cartridge from my previous filter in the new filter in front of the new filter cartridge. I'm hoping these actions will help avoid a cycle. Do you think this'll turn out for the best? I'm going to let the filter run without any fish in it for tonight. Tomorrow I'll test water and probably add a pH setting powder that also get rids of heavy metals and etc. I need to do that because I used not only water from my old tank (about 9 gallons of it) but also mixed it with tap water.

Any advice? Did I do anything wrong? This is my first transfer to a big tank.
if you didn't dechlorinate the tap water your bacteria will die. :/

what fish are you planning on getting?
how long was the old filter cartridge not being used for? E.g if it wasn't being used in a tank when you swapped it over the all the good bacteria will have died as there would be no ammonia to feed them.

You say you aren't adding fish tonight - please tell me you aren't going to add them tomorrow?! or even in the next couple of weeks.......your new tank will need to cycle all over again surely? Unless I am misunderstanding and if I am I apologise ;)
if you didn't dechlorinate the tap water your bacteria will die. :/

what fish are you planning on getting?

I did dechlorinate it as well use tank water from my previous 10 gallon which was established. I have 6 platies.

how long was the old filter cartridge not being used for? E.g if it wasn't being used in a tank when you swapped it over the all the good bacteria will have died as there would be no ammonia to feed them.

You say you aren't adding fish tonight - please tell me you aren't going to add them tomorrow?! or even in the next couple of weeks.......your new tank will need to cycle all over again surely? Unless I am misunderstanding and if I am I apologise ;)

The old cartridge was out in the air for about two seconds, haha. It wasn't wet for only a second or two. I don't think I'll have to cycle, if so, I have Ammo-lock which kills Ammonia. Yes, that stops the cycling process, but if that happens, I have a source for Bio-Spira which will then be used. The water tested out great today, the fish are added. The plastic plants, live plants, decorations, nylon full of gravel and filter cartridge are all from my established 10 gallon and were not left out for the bacteria to die, they were simply switched over quickly. I'm hoping I'll be okay.

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