My Neon Tetras Are Getting Eaten :(


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Leominster, Herefordshire

I have a 25 gal tank which I've run for about 6 weeks with 7 platties. The 7 that are in there seem very happy so I decided to introduce some more fish over the weekend. I picked up a male siamise fighter aswell as 5 neon tetras. The siamise was in the same tank as the tetras in the LFS so I assumed he'd be ok in my tank with them.

over the first night 1 of my tetras was eaten. now after 2 more days and a closer look at the remaining 4 I see 3 of them have fins missing.

my platies are fed in the mornings usually, but I've started feeding them when I get in from work now just incase they get hungry in the night again.

is it known for platties or siamise fighters to eat tetras? they're all about an inch long so I thought they'd be big enough not to be eaten

cheers. :)

I have a 25 gal tank which I've run for about 6 weeks with 7 platties. The 7 that are in there seem very happy so I decided to introduce some more fish over the weekend. I picked up a male siamise fighter aswell as 5 neon tetras. The siamise was in the same tank as the tetras in the LFS so I assumed he'd be ok in my tank with them.

over the first night 1 of my tetras was eaten. now after 2 more days and a closer look at the remaining 4 I see 3 of them have fins missing.

my platies are fed in the mornings usually, but I've started feeding them when I get in from work now just incase they get hungry in the night again.

is it known for platties or siamise fighters to eat tetras? they're all about an inch long so I thought they'd be big enough not to be eaten

cheers. :)

What is your water parameters? Did you cycle the tank before you add the platys to it? Ok, what do you mean by the tetra was eaten? What there anything left of the fish or was it just really tattered up? Sorry about all the questions. I'm not really sure though, as I have never owned a betta but I'm told they are ok to have in community tanks. The platys wouldn't bother with the tetras. I'll do some digging and post back.
I just found something that says bettas and neon tetras are recommended to go together. Platys too! If your sure this is the work of your Betta fish then perhaps you just got a mean one, or maybe the problem goes deeper... I've just read many conflicting statements from people owning betta fish and it is either peaceful with other fish or attacks them. Keep in mind that betta fish aren't out of control killing machines, they are just territorial to wards other bettas. But I think it depends mostly on your bettas personality, keep a close eye on it and see if it's stocking the tetras at all. If it is I would recommend moving it to it's own tank.
Bettas are NOT recommended for community tanks. Some people have been lucky and got away with it but 95% of the time you will find the betta will terrorize the other fish.
what I mean by being eaten is on sunday morning there was a head at the back of the tank and a tail at the front with the rest missing completely. I had to pop out straight away after that, but when I returned everything had disapeared. now the other 3 have either the top of bottom fin on their tails missing.

the betta seems content although as soon as he was in the tank he chased the platies around probably to let them know he was boss. he doesn't do that anymore a few days on.

cheers for your help.
I would recommend getting a 2.5 for the male betta. Keeping female bettas in a community tank is ok, generally. But, males are too aggressive for most community fish.

I am suprised that your betta will have eaten your neons. They only tend to go for long finned fish i.e. guppies. Your fish will eath another fish after it has died, which I know sounds gross, but I think it is more likely that your fish has died and your others may have eaten it.

If you could post your water stats, let us know if you have cycled your tank then it might be easier to tell?

My male beta is fine in my community tank, doesn't touch anything in there and my friends have never had any problems in their community tanks (except for guppies!). I am sure that Neons and a fighter is a relatively safe bet to get along.
i've been told it's all about fish could well have been your male fighter if he is by nature aggressive....I have a betta with neons but my betta is extremely placid...maybe a little too placid sometimes i feel....i worry more about my neons towards my betta than the other way aroynd, but ever fish is different, and betta have been known to attack and eat smaller fish, or fish that resemble other bettas.

If i was to start over I'd not pick neons to be honest...., i have danios too which i was told was a bad idea but they pose no problems what -so-ever :) so it's just see at the end of the day.
If you can't afford or have space for another tank have a look at getting a tank divider....they sell various ones on ebay....maybe just separate your betta off :)

good luck!!! :good:


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i had 11 neons in the same tank as a siamese, and they were dissapering,, and i did suspect him, i also had a bala shark in there, but he didnt look guilty at the siamese got the blame
i now have the bala shark in another tank with neons, and they are still going missing,im am now pretty sure it wasnt the sff at all
that video was awful,your siamese is very similar to mine, tho i have never ever seen mine behave like that, i have only ever seen him flare at a wag when he came near his favorite plant. so maybe i am wrong, but there is def 1 neon missing this morning and my bala shark went in that tank yesterday

i can be wrong SOMETIMES :p

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