My Name Is 55GallonDude

Nice tank Dude , great fish as well [ look healthy too] , now I'm gonna put my shades down and go in for another look . ;)

Is that sword plant live ?
Normally, I'd hate that gravel. I normally don't like ANY gravel that doesn't look natural, and prefer the look of sand or flourite over gravel any day. However, with your tank, I really like it. Those decorations are ones I also normally wouldn't want. Once again, it works real well in your tank. *I* wouldn't mind owning that tank. I think it's extremely well done. I like it better then even a lot of real nice planted and african tanks.
Extremely nice job :-D

ive always wonderd what it looked like :lol: nice job :thumbs:
lucky62 said:
Nice tank Dude , great fish as well [ look healthy too] , now I'm gonna put my shades down and go in for another look . ;)

Is that sword plant live ?
Yes it theres two of them I had a snail problem... :p
Elite said:
Normally, I'd hate that gravel. I normally don't like ANY gravel that doesn't look natural, and prefer the look of sand or flourite over gravel any day. However, with your tank, I really like it. Those decorations are ones I also normally wouldn't want. Once again, it works real well in your tank. *I* wouldn't mind owning that tank. I think it's extremely well done. I like it better then even a lot of real nice planted and african tanks.
Extremely nice job :-D
Once angain it turining into a very natural tank. with sand bog-wood and eal plants. Right now im doing reading on how to make a Co2. :D

Thanks dwarf dude.....many people PM me a lot... :lol:
why is your gravel pink lol.

a cuestion is arising!

ill just blow it away :whistle:

dance time :kana: nice tank! i want a 55 so bad i think i might make one.
MrMashashin said:
why is your gravel pink lol.

a cuestion is arising!

ill just blow it away :whistle:

dance time :kana: nice tank! i want a 55 so bad i think i might make one.
LiL Sister....... :p

How u gonna make it?

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