My My What An Expensive Fish


Nov 4, 2006
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Burton on trent, Near Derby UK
What is the most expensive fish that you own/ owned, i have no expensive ones my 3 line corys are the most expensive but im getting a queen arabesque plec (lots of threads by me on it already i know) and thats £30 and i think thats expensive,

Just being a nosey s*d lol

Im pretty cheap myself! Luckily my good LFS had buy 1 get 1 free day on fish NOT on sale. So... I got 4 yoyos for 16 USdollars instead of 32 US Dollars.
And my spotted puffers were 7.49 US Dollars.
Not a whole lot really!!
One day though, I will spend the big bucks and like you, it will probably be on a pleco!!
Royal Sultan Plec At 20GBP and was Over 4 Inches when i got it.
But it Sadly Kamakazied it self and got its dorsal fin wedged in the tank hood.
The most expensive fish we have is our Magnum Pleco who cost us £40. We did buy an L205 Pleco for £15 but was originally selling for £80. Nobody wanted him though so he came home with us!
What a bargin with the L205
He was! We hadn't actually planned on buying a Pleco that day but my other half spotted him and felt sorry for him, so he decided to buy him! Not complaining though, he's lovely. :wub:
Tiger Plec which was £30 (which my Kribs abused, so now doesnt live with me :( )
thats a heck of a lot for one cory, but there worth every penny the little cuties lol,,
Also when its getting £20 its getting quite scary, if it dies thats a lot of money down the drain,
I like unusual fish and have paid some big prices for fish.

Fahaka puffer @ £85
Pair of pelvicachromis signatus @ £30
Pair of carinotetraodon salivator @ £30
pair of carinotetraodon borneensis @ £20
Mantis shrimp £30
5 Mudskippers @ £55

Looking at it like that, it makes me fearful to think if I had itemised them.
A discus at £40. Unfortunately I was not experienced enough to keep them at the time. Have had plenty since and bought them small at £15 a fish.
thats a heck of a lot for one cory, but there worth every penny the little cuties lol,,
Also when its getting £20 its getting quite scary, if it dies thats a lot of money down the drain,

yeah i know. but i had a tank already for them before they get here. I know you like your corys, but the narcissus is a monster. i believe they can reach 5" when fully grown. Mine are currently 3.5 to 4" :)
have you got any piccies of them, sound well cool,

ok, first pic are my super arcuatus which i havent got yet next to the narcissus that i already have (well its head anyway!!) Give you some idea of the size of the narcissus as the SA's are fully grown !


and this pic is one of the narcissus, I LOVE I REALLY DO!!

the thing is, they have come from someone who treasured them immensley. they were his pride and joy and i should i ever lose one to anything other than old age i would be totally gutted. not because of how much i have paid for them, but because they meant so much to the guy. but they are getting first class treatment with me and first class food. and hopefully they will repay that one day with fry :)


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