EllieJellyEllie said:
Im sorry about that, mudsippers are the fish that dig with their mouths have have gills and lungs right?
And I dont think starting from scratch will be too bad, sure, it sucks, but more scaping~
They do dig and remove matter with their mouths an d have gills, yes.
But in addition to gills, gas exchange is done through their skin rather than lungs. Pretty close to amphibians, actually. As long as their skin is wet, there's gas exchange.
Too right, more scaping is good.
I've actually thought of making some additions to the scape, to allow the skippers to dig more...
Mads said:
Sad to hear of the mealybug problem. My dad was a gartner and he used brun soap water for cleaning the of the plants, but that would cause water problems for you.
The easiest way to get rid of mealybug is by using cigarette smoke. I've done it a lot of times. Place a plastic bag over the plant, light up a cigarette and place in a ashtray in the plastic bag. All the bugs die and fall down. One cigarette normally does the trick. Maybe if you took out your mudskippere (maybee the fish too) and placed a lid over the paludarium and light a few smokes in an ashtray? Might do the trick.
If nothing happens, nothing is lost.
Regards Mads
I've tried the cigarette method myself back in the days. If my memory serves me right, I was fighting
Tetranychus mites.
I'm a bit conserned, though, about the fact that on plant forums people tend to say mealybugs are more tolerant to all poisons and treatments than other houseplant pests? Alcohol and lye are being mentioned, also.
You've got it right that as I'm going to have to remove the fauna whatever I try with the buggers, I've got nothing to lose with trying out cigarettes. But how about the fags, these days? I think I heard somewhere that they are treated to not go on burning by themselves, anymore? Some sort of security issue with them not lighting up beds of people fallen asleep with lit cigs.
Thanks for your contribution, Mads.