My Molly


New Member
Aug 12, 2009
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Hey.. Im new to caring for fish. My tank has been running for almost two weeks now. I have a tattooed balloon molly along with a black molly, two guppies, platy, and a silver dollar. My tattooed molly has been acting a little funny I think... She just floats around in one spot and her lips open and close continuously... I know my tank hasn't fully cycled... I increased the oxygen in the tank thnking it was that... But now im not sure... Any thoughts???


If you have not cycled your tank then you going to have excess ammonia and nitrites poisoning your fish.

Mollies don't handle these at the best of time sorry to say, so you need to do some water changes to help remove the toxins.

Also tattooed mollies are horrible and should be avoided (my personal note)
Your best approach in a tank that is not fully cycled is to change lots of water any time that things don't seem to be going perfectly. I really like my mollies and have lots of success with them but I must agree with HelterSkelter that a tattooed molly is one that has been abused and buying it encourages the people who do it to keep doing it to those innocent fish. I refuse to ever buy any tattooed fish. One of the side effects of tattooed fish is that many of them do end up with infections in an otherwise healthy tank. It means a short life span to a fish and unfortunately too many people are willing to support the practice.
I like mollies, just not the tattooed fish for the reason's already listed!

The process has to resualt in at least 30-50% mortality rates resulting in a 300-400% price increase!!!!!!
This is not on for the fish!

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