My Molly is Pregnant!

congrats and just remember dont over feed but feed it enough for 6,000 just kidding :rofl: :fun:
Molly fry seem to be great survivers .... 5 or 6 plastic or live plants will make chances of live fry very good ... They will need their own tank ... Alot of things as far as birthing and things you will have too decide on your own ;)
Mollies aren't known to eat the fry, but alot times the first time mom does. So bottom plants and top plants are good. The fry will swim to the bottom first day then to the top for the next week. They are atrackted to the light and are top swimming fish. I don't know what else is in your tank, but if they don't get ate or go threw a temp swing 95% sould grow till adulthood.
my molly recently had her fry and i found 19 i noticed that they dug into the rocks remember that

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