My Molly is a Guppy!!!!!


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
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Warm and Sunny Arizona
well, i have a fry that is about 4 or 5 months old. when i started my tank, before i knew about cycling, i had platies, mollies and guppies. the mollies were a male and female (the male died, sitll have big momma), the platies turned out to be both males and survived new tank syndrome, and a couple of guppies that either died or were returned before i ever knew. apparently, one was a prego female and one of her fry somehow survived new tank syndrome. i've moved most of my fry to a tank of their own (the tank was just too crowded with 40 fish in the 10!!!!) and i've been looking at the one fry taht i assumed was only 2 or 3 months older than the new batch of molly fry. now that its bigger, its getting color. the tail is large and fan like, its a faded neon yellow with black spots in an arc. the body is a white almost translucent color and the shape is longer and slimmer than the mollies. this raised an alarm in my mind. so i did some research and finally found some pics of guppies around the same age, and it looks just like them!!!!! apparently, i have a guppy now. i think its female but not sure. it was the one fry i was planning to keep when they got bigger (because she was the first ever in my tank, i'm a sap), now i will definitely be keeping her since i had already decided to set up a 10 gal guppy tank after the new year.

just had to share my find :kana:
How neat :D I kept my first fry, too :*) Guess that makes me a sap, also. I can handle it. :p But I've also kept my first Grandbabie fish and Great-Grandbabie fish......think I'm more of a sap then you :lol:

Now you can start your Guppy tank with your own homegrown little girl :nod:
I kept all my Molly fry too :*) the parents died though but the fry are all grown up now and a couple of yrs old
Juan bought me a few mollies a couple months ago; unfortunately, only one survived....but she did end up having babies. I am grateful that Juan was able to save the fry and now they are growing up nicely.

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