My molly has died


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
My male molly, Mo dies last night. I could do everything to save him, but it didn't work. I couldn't have done anything if it wasn't for you guys who helped me under my post, Please Help!:help prevent my fish from dying! Thank you guys so much for your efforts. I want to get another male molly but I don't want to add another male and cause stress on the others in the tank. But I need one sometime so Molly can have more offspring. When should I get another male molly? Thansk so much,
Probably I haven't read the conversation, so refresh our (my) memory:

- tank size (is there only mollies?)
- water values (pH, GH, NO2-, NO3-, NH3, temp.)
- how often and how much do you change water. Use any water conditioners?
- put some medicine into tank? if put, what medicine and why?
- symptoms?
- how did it start?
- have you ask from your local store, do mollies need salt addition?
40 gallon, used to be 2 mollies and 4 fancy guppies
ph is at 7.0, nitrates, nitrites, and amonia are at 0's, temp is 76 degrees F
Everyday that I'm home, about 10% use Start Right and AquaBallance.
No medicine just salt, separated the male in the hospital and used salt
White, clear feces, shimmying, gulping at the surface, when stoped swimming he went vertical
He would just go into the cave in the main tank and go vertical. He didn't poo at all in there
Yes I did, they said they don't NEED it, so I didn't

I think you need to increase temperature alittle (77-82F) . Wild mollies feel ok in cooler too. How about GH?

No medicine just salt, separated the male in the hospital and used salt
Why did you add salt? What was the reason?

Sounds he has some kind of internal parasites, Spironucleus, inflammation of sound or constipation.

White, clear feces, shimmying

Can you describe this better? Was skin like grayish or look obscure/cloydy? Tufts? Like velvet?
I'm sorry Ron that we couldn't save him :-( Before you get a new male, female mollies, like most live bearers, can hold sperm up to 3 months, so you should have some more fry about a month after the last lot. How is the rest of the tank doing?
The rest are doing great, I separated the 2 male fancy guppies from the larger, main tank, to reduce stress on them and on the females. I have them in a beautiful 5 1/2 gallon tank, they seem to be doing much better. My female molly looks a lot skinnier then she did on tuesday. I didn't see her abort the babies, there was no stress that could have cause this, and the water parameters were excelent. I don't know why she would get skinny...???????? She's due to have fry in 0.5 of a week. Whats wrong??????? :-( Not my beloved "Molly" too!!!!!!!

I added salt becuase he was also getting some white cotton on him, I didint have ich medication so I upped the temp and added 1 teaspoon salt for every gallon. My two molly fry had ich as well, it cleared on all of them in 3 days. I kept them in the hospital for 4 days more, and on the morning of the 5 day, Mo was dead, so I took out the fry and slowy introduced them into the water of the birthing/fry tank. They were and are still great. He was a silver molly. When he was in the hospital he looked like a dalmation molly. No velvet or anything except the small, dark spots. I don't have a test for GH, what is it anyway? Thanks so much!
HEy Ron... you replied on my post the other day, and I just want to say that I'm sorry about your fish. My died the other day (if you don't recall) and I know it's a horrible feeling.

So what exactly was wrong? Were you able to find out? I think we were having the same problems with our mollies. Mine were just hanging out near the surface, and the one that died was excreting white poop. The ones that are left seem to be still shimmying, and I don't quite no what to do.

If you were able to find some answers about what happened to your fish, I'm hoping that you could share some insight and I'll do the same.

As for me, I went to get my water tested and the LFS said my water parameters were just fine. So I'm not exactly sure what's going on.

Do you have an air pump?

If you'd like to get some advice, really experience fishkeepers have been responding to my post.... so come check it out when you can!
Yes, rosie, I've been checking up on your post now and then. My parameters were great too. No, I didn't have enough air in the water, I just had a very very small air stone in there and wasn't adaquate for teh amont of water I had, I'm figuring that was at least part of the problem if not the whole problem. Did you have an air stone. Yes, we had the same exact symptoms. Hopefull we'll be able to clear it up what happend 100% soon.
I always try to stay away from any livebearers discussions for good reason. It's because I know nothing about them and try to just stick with the few community fish I might know and the cichlid world.

So I could be way off base here but if someone had a cichlid and described the white feces and symptoms you did, I would say it's most definately an internal parasite.

My specialty is cichlids so I could be way off base here and in my attempt to try and help I could be totally wrong but if it was a cichlid, this is what is wrong.

I know this is of no use to you now for this fish but am hoping it can help you, and others reading this, to med for fish in the future if I'm correct.
How water parameters can be great, if you don't know GH? GH = total hardness which means how much there are e.g. Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. If the water is too soft or too hard, fishes are under osmothic stress and usually become sick because they need more energy to keep osmothic pressure steady.

I added salt becuase he was also getting some white cotton on him

It could be Costia or Oodinium... And they both need to be treated by chemicals like Sera Oodinopur or Costapur. If it more like white cotton, like growing white hairs, then it could be fungus and must be treated by medicine which is for fungus.
All I know that my water is soft. It's not high in anything such as iron, coper. I live in a city which gets rid of all of those elements. Al my water has in it is H2O, flouride, and chlorine. We have very clean water.

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