My Mix Of Livebearers


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2007
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dundalk ireland
:good: hey iv 8 swordtails (4 males 4 females) 4 guppys (2 males 2 females) 7 mollys ( 4 females 3 males) 4 zebra danios but dont no mlae to female ratio and a pleco . iv a 34 gallon tank and i was wondering if this mix will get on fine.
also my females are 1 black molly 1 dalmation 1 lyre tail black molly and an albino and my 3 males are all dalmations i was thinkin wat would be the fry of these fish be like
Once you get over a couple males, keeping a 1:2 male to female ratio will keep males occupied so they don't constantly harass the same females. Be prepared for a lot of fry.
yep although i prefer a 1:3 male to female ratio.
what type of pleco is it?
yea that tank is no where near big enough for that pleco. a common will get to 24" and a sailfin will get to 20"
around a 75g minimum for one of those.
Most sailfins barely reach 16' and commons a bit more, maybe 18 from what I have seen.If hes around 1-2 inches in ten months to a year he will be about 6' and will need a new tank.In a year & 1/2 my plecos were getting on 10 inches from babies.Sold all 5 of them.
you can keep 1:2 or 1:3 ratio, its whatever you can do the more females the better like with most fish!

instead of a plec as they outgrow tanks quickly unless you buy the expensive ones that stay small
you could go with an upside down catfish or a bristlenose which are nice as well!!

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