Fish Crazy
hey iv 8 swordtails (4 males 4 females) 4 guppys (2 males 2 females) 7 mollys ( 4 females 3 males) 4 zebra danios but dont no mlae to female ratio and a pleco . iv a 34 gallon tank and i was wondering if this mix will get on fine.
also my females are 1 black molly 1 dalmation 1 lyre tail black molly and an albino and my 3 males are all dalmations i was thinkin wat would be the fry of these fish be like
also my females are 1 black molly 1 dalmation 1 lyre tail black molly and an albino and my 3 males are all dalmations i was thinkin wat would be the fry of these fish be like