My Marine Adventure Begins

i dont like cleaner shrimp either, they steal food out of corals or anenomes that your trying to hand feed. gets annoying after a couple of tries
Thanks for the advice. Will knock those off my list and consider the peppermints. Are the blood red another option? Have read mixed reviews of these.
Bloods are fine but hide a lot as far as I know never kept them myself :)
Will bear all that in mind. I am beginning to like the look of the peppermint shrimp even more now.
My tests are the same again today, just my Nitrate at 25 still. Am planning to do a water change on Thursday assuming the tests stay the same.

I have a 25l container of RO i bought on Sunday. If i put an airstone in Thursday morning and leave it running all day would this be ok to use Thursday night for the water change or do i need to get fresh/ leave for longer? I have been giving it the odd shake up each day!!
RO water can be stored for weeks at a time with no problems as long as it’s kept out of direct sun light :good: .
With regards to your water change I would heat the water to the required temp then add your salt to the required S.g and air for 24hrs before use {gas exchange} :good:
RO water can be stored for weeks at a time with no problems as long as it’s kept out of direct sun light :good: .
With regards to your water change I would heat the water to the required temp then add your salt to the required S.g and air for 24hrs before use {gas exchange} :good:
Fantastic. Thank you very much. Will let you know how i get on. :)
I have been a busy girl over the last couple of days...
My live rock is now secure... DD milliput made me cross but i got there in the end with little clouding. It has now fully cured and nothing is going to move!!

I have done a 10% water change and my Nitrate is now at 10. I am taking a sample to my LFS to double check for me and get some more RO for an additional water change. I am aiming for Nitrate at below 10 right.
The more exciting news now... I have found a little something on one of my live rocks. Can anyone shed some light?
Got very excited... It is only about 5mm across :D 1 web.JPG2 zoom web.JPG
Have been doing a bit of research. Is it an aptasia anenome? iF so is this bad? There is only one that i can see.
yeah its aiptasia i'm afraid.
generally considered a pest as they sting other corals, and can spread quickly.
either take the rock out and blow torch it, or get some aiptasia X.
I;ve found a couple in my tank as well, can you use a hot knife from a gas hob to burn it off
Did another 10% water change and took a sample of my water to 2 different LFS. both gave Nitrate reading of around 8 and said ok to hermit crabs and snails :D

I bought 6 blue leg hermit crabs and 3 Nassarius snails.
All immediately got to work. The crabs seemed to do a lap of the tank before settling down on rocks at the front of the tank :hyper: This meant i could sit and watch them!!
Here are the first piccies.. i am sure they are just like everyone elsesbut maybe a little smaller but here goes.
My first inhabitants....

Here are 2 of my lovely snails. The third buried itself.. Maybe a little camera shy :lol:


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Nearly a week with the start of my CUC. I have already seen one of my little crabs swapping shells so thought i would help him out. Found a bargin on our favourite auction site and bought a whole batch of shells for just £3.

I have lots of brown growth on my rocks and starting to appear on the glass too. Am i right in thinking this is diatoms? If so will the CUC help to sort this out? I have read that it will just be gone one day.. with the help of water changes?? -_-
Is there anything i should be doing? My water levels are still stable.


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Diatoms are part of the normal cycle, As long as you are running a phosphate remover and have enough circulation they will clear in a few days :)

Before adding the shells make sure to boil for a good 10 minutes

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