My Marble Convict Has White Spots Just Appeared.


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
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Can some1 help ive just noticed my convict has a small group of white spots on his head they seem too have poped up over night. the only thing ive changed in his tank is i droped the temp down from 26 down too 23 to help with his aggresion also he is the only fish in the tank at the moment. water was 2 3rds changed 4 days ago. does any1 know what is going on ? he seems too act normally anyway if a bit shy. thanks for any genuine answers :) paul.
Did you also post this on yahoo?
It reads almost identical. Paul..
Anyway, If it looks like someone sprinkled salt on him then it is ich.
A pic would help. Are they lesions, little salt looking things, or a better description would help.
If it is ich, they will pop over night. I had a rummy nose go from totally clean to riddled with ich, (Like a salted peanut)
Treat him with ridich, raise the temp to 82-84*F, and you should be good.

There is more to know about ich, so if it is that, look around the forum for info on it.
The search function in here is really good. Highly recommended
here is a link to the local board for info on ich.
yeh i did post on yahoo wanted a second opinion weirdly the spots seem to have disapeared im not sure what to think now. i did put the temp bak up but would white spot disapear that quick ? my gravel is blak and white the only thing i can think of is he got some gravel on his head mabey i dont know really.
just for fun and games, lets just say it was ich. Give it at least 3 days and keep an eye on them for more signs of white spots.
Keep us posted as needed. thanks
I found your post on google doing a search for convicts with white spots. It was like the 3rd one down from the top main page.
They work fast...
yeh ok i wasnt sure if it would b ok to put it in if he is fine. but i suppose its best to make sure ive grown quit attached to the big brute. Ill use the ich powder for say a week. i will try too get a photo of him up at some point. thanks for your help. :)
on a diffrent note ive bought a female to join him but she is in my malwi tank atm she is really small. when do u think it will b safe to introduce her to him. i have a tank divider. but im sure if i put her in now he would just torment her to death.
also she doesnt seem to b nearly as aggresive as him is that just because shes young or is she likely too become more aggresive with age. at the moment shes a bit of a woos she runs away from the smallest yellow lab. but ive got a feeling the tide will turn fairly soon.
ok ive got some interpet white spot but the instructions seem overly complicated 1st question what media will i have to remove from the filter
2 x Foam, 2 x Carbon (70 g), 2 x Biomax (200 g)
Replaces the Fluval 204.
i know i have to remove the carbon but i dont know which this is and 2nd question is what about the biomax ?

also if u can tell what amount to use if i give u both my tank sizes 84l the other is 109 thats if i used the calculator properly i mesured width as the sides lenth the front of the tank and height up and down. :)
ok ive got some interpet white spot but the instructions seem overly complicated 1st question what media will i have to remove from the filter
2 x Foam, 2 x Carbon (70 g), 2 x Biomax (200 g)
Replaces the Fluval 204.
i know i have to remove the carbon but i dont know which this is and 2nd question is what about the biomax ?

also if u can tell what amount to use if i give u both my tank sizes 84l the other is 109 thats if i used the calculator properly i mesured width as the sides lenth the front of the tank and height up and down. smile.gif

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