My Malu Anemone Pictures

In the mean time here's my White malu, fairly new.. About 2 months old. These ones are hard to keep and i think it has sucker damage because it won't stick on anything and has to use it's suckers on it's side. Anyway I digress, it was a bargain at £20 - especially when my other malu (pictured) cost £50!! Haha.



As I say 'spike' my Emporer Cardinal loves it and won't leave it, he actually touches it, strange he doesn't get stung enough to go!! So my tank has these nems in and touch wood it's going good!! I have an injured bubble aswell which had damage caused by a rock slide, so is in hiding to heal itself. It's just started coming out into the open slightly after weeks of hiding!!

Now enough of me!! Come on, I refuse to believe there's only three members with anemone's!! Even if you don't have photo's tell us what you have and details, the boards are well quite at the moment!! :)
Thanks dude, a I say I've never heard anyone having success keeping them, so concerned about it but it's eating nicely and looks healthy so far, it hasn't deflated at all since I got it - my tan malu always deflates for an hour in the morning and looks dead and then puffs up again. They're a different type of species all together. Very interesting to watch. They are very clever if I touch it, it closes it's tenticles over it's mouth, lifting all sides like a parcel.

I'd recommend anemones to anyone - so interesting to watch. The clowns behaviour with them aswell is just amazing. You can tell I'm a real geek with this now!!
Thanks for that Mike!! Really is a lovely anemone! Great videos!!
Very cool anemone there! Thanks for sharing. Do your clowns host it?
Thanks :)
They haven't hosted it yet (it's been in the tank 6 days now) but they keep swimming extremely close to it, I think it's just a matter of time! (Hopefully)
Tank bred nems can sometimes be a bit stupid, I have black and whites that used to host my Sun coral. They do now host the nem but took a couple of weeks to get round to it. Dont know whether yours or mine for that matter were tank bred.

Anyway I reckon they will go for it eventually :)
Yup mine were tank bred lol so may take them a while! I think they are particularly cautious because the nem is on the sand bed (I've never seen them swim that close to the sand bed before). I read somewhere that because wild clownfish lay their eggs near their host anemone, chemicals released from the anemone penetrate the eggs and when the clowns are born, they then have a chemical imprint of what anemone would make a good host. (I figure this is probably absent in tank bred clowns) Ah well, I await the hostage eagerly with my camera! ;)
My clowns did that. they swam right next to it and just starred at it for a couple of weeks and then one night I found them in it. Very randomly.
GGtank - i have not heard of a macrodactyla anemone before, just done a quick google on it. Any info you have about it that you want to share? :)
Well I've only just got it so I don't have much experience with them, but from everything I've read and researched they are pretty amazing anemones. They are bottom dwelling anemones so high lighting is recommended. Of all commercial anemones, they are least likely to move once they have found a happy spot. Unlike BTAs, they can't manipulate their foot to 'crawl' across rock so when they need to move they eject from their spot and roll around the sand bed. You need 4-6 inches of sand as they like to bury their entire foot in sand (I created a mound for mine in my tank).

They are also called corkscrew anemone (as when the tentacles are fully extended they begin to twist like corkscrews). The foot is very often a bright red or orange. They don't have as many tentacles as other anemones and unlike other anemones in the wild, these macrodactyla are regularly found without clownfish hosting them (though clarki and i think the pink skunk clownfish host it naturally in the wild, and of course in the tank ANY clownfish can host it).

Mine seems to love where it is, always extended, hasn't moved and eating greedily. My sis is begging me for it though so I'm contemplating giving it to her for her tank and getting a BTA instead for mine. (Her tank is larger and has a deeper sand bed).

We'll see, for now, she's a cracking anemone!
Awesome anemone dude!!

Bubble tips are wicked, really nice one too. That maze coral is beautiful as well mate! Very nice!!

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