My Male Betta/ Betta Names?


Fish Addict
Jul 16, 2011
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so i got this male betta thinking that he would flare at Candy, my female betta. when i brought him home, i put the tanks next to each other, he would not notice her most of the time and then flare some and swim away. is it possibly for him to still be a good daddy in the real breeding tank? i am still conditioning him just in case. :good:

i have posted the pics of him so you guys can see him (he's pretty :wub: ) and maybe you can give me some name suggestions? :hyper: and what color type is he?



He is certainly pretty but heck, I don't even have a name for my own betta. He is simply the betta in the endler tank.
Sometimes, if a male is still fairly new, he won't take to any other fish.
If he starts building a nest, he is happy and will make a very good daddy fish!
Just make sure you are conditioning them properly!

He is awful handsome though!
When I saw him, I saw a Connan...or a Densiel... My bettas all have really weird names *glances at siggy*

He looks like a Cambodian Butterfly...but I'm not sure! These guides may help you some:Clicky!

Do you have any pictures of your girl?

When do you plan on spawning them?

Do post pictures when you do! I love watching bettas grow up!
Do you have any pictures of your girl?

When do you plan on spawning them?

Do post pictures when you do! I love watching bettas grow up!
*thanks for the link i think he is a tri-colored butterfly and Candy is a bi-colored violet (not cambodian)
i will upload the pic of Candy in a sec!

i plan to spawn them between april 14-22 ~that is when my april vacation is. if it doesnt work i will try again for summer vacation :lol:

and i will tank lots of pics of the fry! my camera has 'close up' problems but i will do the best i can. :blush:
this is Candy!!! (a.k.a~ a male bettas 'eye candy' :hey: ). look at the eggs!!! how many do you think she will have?
the blue betta is George. and then the last pic is his bubble nest that he made when he was happy/ occasionally saw Candy.




Candy is beautiful!

Bettas have around 300-500 eggs. I'm not sure though because I've never bred bettas.

George is a lovely blue! Blue bettas are my favorite! I have 3 (2 females and a male)
both are Cambodian VTs *Pale body Dark fins ;)* just different colour forms, IMO Candy just looks like a healthy girl *Not eggy* they get way bigger when eggy ;)
both are Cambodian VTs *Pale body Dark fins ;)* just different colour forms, IMO Candy just looks like a healthy girl *Not eggy* they get way bigger when eggy ;)

trust me she is huge from the front, not just the normal size, and she has the white dot on her belly. :p
Name him Tropscaliston Thombotwickle the Father :good:
and can you sound that out for me? :lol:
99% of females have the 'white dot' ;)

and some males for that fact! i have 4 rescue males that have them :look:
i was thinking that it must be a normal female thing; but she is big from the front- i will get a pic if i can.
Candy looks like some my females, none of them have been anywhere near a male, nor been conditioned so have no reason to be eggy, they're just normal.
Don't take this the wrong way, but is your male in some sort of vase?

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