My Madagascans Have Eggs


Fish Herder
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
buckinghamshire, high wycombe
i really didn't think i would be lucky enough to get my paratilapia polleni to breed, but tonight wow just wow wow wow, so excited :yahoo:


They laid them in the flower pot but have now moved then out. i'm gona try and take afew out to hatch separately as polleni are avid egg eaters and i will be gutted if they eat them, not sure how i'm gona do this without upsetting parents but i think it must be done :book:
fingers crossed Angel
Beautiful fish. Hope you can get some of those eggs out. soundsl ike you have a little project on your hands haha. Good luck with everything :good:
Looking good there :)

And good luck with the eggs and hopefully the parents will lurn quickly as what to do!!
thanks for encouraging words.
I have now removed some eggs and put them in a diy egg tumbler, and luckily the parents don't seem bothered and are still attending to the eggs i left. But their last owner has told me they have always eaten their eggs so they might not be there in the morning. I would love to see them raise their own fry but at least i have some put aside now in case and that is hoping that they make it as well as this is a first for me so abit of trial and error.
Regards Angel
Congratulations and getting such a rare pair of cichlids to breed. I wish you the best of luck with the eggs you removed and that the material instincts of the fish have developed as they have matured and that they will not egg their off spring. Please keep us all informed as to how you they develop and keep the photographs rolling in. There is very little information available about Madagascan cichlids in general and considering that some species are endangered it good to see events like this happening. Just looking over the posts on the forum (searched) and I believe that you are the first user to do this.

Extremely well done. :good: :good: :good:
Gutted this morning eggs were eaten and the male attacked the diy tumbler which i kept in tank till he got eggs out, still amazed how he done it. So note to myself keep tumbler in different tank next time.
Hopefully i will get there eventually and report good news next time
regards Angel
Such is the frustrations of trying to breed fish. Sorry to hear about the set back, but if they have laid once for you they will do it again. Good luck.

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