Madagascan Cichlid Eggs Diary + Other Fish Updated

update please and guess what, I went out and brought two juvi polli myself hehe :nod: but there new so as soon as the man caught them in the shop the black drained away so like pinkish colour at present, hopefully they will darken up again soon, trust the holiday was good :hey:
I love your fish collection angelmouse. I've seen your Pollenis on here before but those pics just make me want them more,

I've never considered Frontosa's before but they look spot on too and I may look into them f I can squeeze anotherr tank in to the garage and past the Mrs!!!
I am so envious of your collection. I have been looking for some Etroplus canarensis for a long time, and just now found some on, but low and behold when I find them I dont have a tank for them.

beautiful fish
I love your fish collection angelmouse. I've seen your Pollenis on here before but those pics just make me want them more,

I've never considered Frontosa's before but they look spot on too and I may look into them f I can squeeze anotherr tank in to the garage and past the Mrs!!!
:rofl: :rofl: :whistle:

what you laughing at Nelly?lol :hyper:
I am growing my frontosa on so they can go in with the polleni, just want them abit bigger. Just got back from holiday so i will post a fry update tommorrow, lost afew while i was away, but i still have too many, gota clean tank later, how i can do it without sucking out fry is a challenge an a half they are everywhere lol
Great to see you got yours nelly, can't wait to see photo,s
And jb12288 you have to find room for the etroplus canarensis, the are one of the rarest cichlids and you don't see them about much, they are not a colourful cichlid but fabulous markings and look good in a shoal, they have more of a natural understated beauty to them, and a real acheviement if you can breed them.
Thats what attracts me to most of my fish, i like anything that is a challenge to breed, the thrill of them breeding and to watch the parents care for the young is my addiction, sadly as these are only my second set of fry so i didn't want to risk the parents eating them, but next time i will leave the eggs with the parents and hopeful watch them be parents.
regards Angel
Fry update day 19

looking good angel :good:
hope you had a great holiday, will post some more pictures soon, there is a thread alreay up but deleted the photo's of the host site by mistake, think my are what people refer to as small spots :unsure:
any luck with the canarensis yet angel?.... mine dont even look like they are interested......
Adorable. I love how the day 19 ones have red eye!!! Is that from the camera??
yes red eye from flash, i love it when they have eaten bbs and they have full red little bellys

Mike os, i think my canarensis are still too young, but i have 4 that swim so tightly together and one thats smaller than others and stays away from rest and hangs out with the headstander.But they seem more interested in the other fish than they do In their own species, so in afew months i might put them in tank on their own, but short on space at moment (aren't we all).I would love to get some more if they come available again at a good price. How are yours doing

Thanks for kind comments guys
regards Angel
still got 10, about 3.5" now & as you say, shoal tightly.....they really are a fantastic fish. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: I'll have a look in pier next time I'm up & see if they have any more.

only got a few corys with them.... may add some more wood & substrate soon.... then play with the water a bit. Species tank is the next move tho, i think.

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