I went to petsmart today in order to return a Faulty Rena Cal TopLight Excel heater. After reading numerous other people with the same problem I was having I decided to only return it and not exchange it.
I was hoping to spend the instore credit, but wasn't able to. First, they were unloading the new shipment of fish so there tanks were half or more empty.
The one fish they had in stock that I wanted I wasn't sure how to tell Male/Female apart and they didn't know either combined with the tag stating only males, that was Blue Dwarf Gouramis. 
So, I figure I would spend it on other things I wanted. I found the replacement pump for my python and went looking for a spray bar for my Fluval 404, which subsequently is on there website but not available in the store.
So, I figured I would pick up the background which they happened to only have 5' of and my tank is 6'. Then I went looking for a GH/KH test kit which they only have in test strips.
Needless to say the only good thing was that I didn't have the reciept and they would not credit me the amount I paid, but more.
I had them price match their website when I bought the heater and only paid $22.00 for it. I didn't have the reciept and the manager said without it they have to credit the retail price and he wasn't to worried about it. So they credited me back 35.99.
I still have 29.68 on the gift card, don't know what I'm going to use it on yet........
I was hoping to spend the instore credit, but wasn't able to. First, they were unloading the new shipment of fish so there tanks were half or more empty.
So, I figure I would spend it on other things I wanted. I found the replacement pump for my python and went looking for a spray bar for my Fluval 404, which subsequently is on there website but not available in the store.
Needless to say the only good thing was that I didn't have the reciept and they would not credit me the amount I paid, but more.