My Loach

cyciling is the friendly bacteria takes about 30 days ik think to turn ammonia into nitrite and then nitrate,ammonia and nitrite are poison to fish
i think if you provide it a nice dark hiding place any think will do it will be more happier all loaches like to 3 live in a castle it looks a bit stupid in my tank but i have to keep it in there for my suc :nod: king loach or he goes mental if i take it out
Kuhli loaches like to be in groups of 3 or 4 too. The 1 inch of fish per gallon doesn't apply to them.
well, i just dug a little trench by my statue, right when it saw it, it swam down there, he seems better, i guess this topic can be closed now.
oppositearmor said:
i don't think so, i just cleand and bleached my tank recently.
did u put ur old water back in and the uncleaned filter?if not you have probably killed off all your friendly bacteria causing a recycle
oppositearmor said:
ok, i recently purchased a loach today (it dosen't matter what type it is cause what i'm about to tell is bizzare for all loachs, or so i think) about one hour after i put him in, he swims up by the heater and stays there, than he swims back down, and goes back to the heater. is that strange or normal, if it is strange (or life threatening) what should i do? :blink:
Think thats werid my Clown Loach Spends 50% of the time Lying on it's side asleep and 10% Hovering upside down y asleep and rest of time Looking for Food it's werid as hell
Its normal behavior for khuli loaches to go up and down the tank occasionly but he'll need somwhere dark to hide like a cave in the tank as they are mainly nocturnal and they prefer to have sand substrate and live planted areas in the tank, its advised you have them in groups of 3 to 4 but i wouldn't add anymore fish of any sort until you have cycled your tank.
There are some realy good articles on cycling tanks in the beginner section of the forum at the top and they are easy to understand and i realy advise you read up on them or get somone to explain it to because cycling a tank and keeping it that way is one of the most important aspects of keeping healthy and happy fish- it will drastically reduce the chances of your fish getting sick and/or dying once you have done it.
Have you ever heard of dechlorinator/water conditioner and do you use it? What is your tank cleaning regime on an average basis and how do you go about it and how often?
yea you can clean tanks with a very diluted bleach solution (at most 19:1)...however you have to clean it VERY well afterwards with dechlorinated water, and make sure to throw out any porous materials as they abosrb too much and will leach it back out no matter how well you clean guess is that the khuli is acting like this because there is still some bleach residue left in the tank.....

i would remove the fish and rerinse everything several times in hot, dechlorinated water
:) my clown loaches sort of jam them selves in corners especially by the filter they like it there and always return to that spot ;)
well clowns are known for these types of behaviors...but khulis (although very skittish and weird in general) don't normally exhibit the same characteristics as clowns, so i dont think they should be compared just because they are a type of loach

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