My Loach


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
ok, i recently purchased a loach today (it dosen't matter what type it is cause what i'm about to tell is bizzare for all loachs, or so i think) about one hour after i put him in, he swims up by the heater and stays there, than he swims back down, and goes back to the heater. is that strange or normal, if it is strange (or life threatening) what should i do? :blink:
Need water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank,how many fish and which type.
i wouldnt worry about iot, occasionally all of our mollies swim up, then down, up then down, alongside out filter. I think they are a little bit tank mad, but i wouldnt worry about it if i were you, my mollies are fit and healthy :thumbs:
what temp is your water? i doubt its going to be life threatening cos if he gets too hot then he will simply move away from it.if itts a clown they need a little more heat than normal i think seen them in the lfs in a tank at 30 deg c,
Wilder said:
what size tank,how many fish and which type.
about ten gallon tank, four fish, one serpai tetra, sunrise guppy, balloon bellied molly and the loach.

evofish- i belive my water temp is at 76 degrees farehntihiet, the guy at petsmart told me to put it at that, it's a tropical loach.
How long has the tank been set up, have you tested water recently, as it could be water quality that's making him act weird.
i tested my water yesterday, it is fine, and my tank has been set up for about 8 weeks.

evofish- it looks like a coolie loach, except is completely a medium shaded grayish brown.
Ok, what type of loach is it, as some like to be in pairs or groups, might be stress.
uhm, cycling? i am sorry, that is a big word to me, and i might know what it is, cept i have a abrevation. what does cycling mean, oh, is it, nevermind.
well they like to hide so thats what it is proabably doing have u got any other hiding places for it?
oppositearmor said:
i tested my water yesterday, it is fine, and my tank has been set up for about 8 weeks.

evofish- it looks like a coolie loach, except is completely a medium shaded grayish brown.
Sounds like a black Kuhli, (even though they aren't black :lol:)

The water isn't really warm enough, 76 is a bit low for Kuhlis, mine are in 80 degree water.
allix- yes i did.

evofish- i do have one, but the filter is bigger, i might need to dig a trench over by my statue i have in it.

The water isn't really warm enough, 76 is a bit low for Kuhlis, mine are in 80 degree water.

few, i was hoping u said that, i was really lying, just in case. my temp is at like 79 degrees. and ya, i think thats the loach i have.

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