My Lizards, Dogs And New Baby.


Fish Crazy
Oct 31, 2008
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Thought I would show some pictures of Missy and Floyd the yemen chameleons and Midget my baby bearded dragon.

This is Midget the bearded dragon


Floyd the male chameleon


Missy our female chameleon


My new baby............ Willows son meet Ranger, hes only 4 weeks old and adorable


Willow (Rangers mum)


Miss B my newfie with Harley one of my cats


Enjoy, will add the cats at a later date.
You sure have an array of pets. That puppy is sooo cute. Then they start acting like....well... a puppy :lol:

On a serious note: Some lovely pets you have there.
Midget the beareded dragons vivarium is 4ft long, 2ft wide and 2ft high. The chameleons vivariums are 4ft high, 2ft wide and 2ft deep. They have individual vivariums as they can not be kept together.

This is their vivs when I first set them up.

the male chamaleon is a beauty!!!

got my first reptile today and I can see it becoming addictive!! its the chameleon I really want but I believe they are for more advanced keeprs!!
we have a 7 month old newfie such charecters lovely pets
would love a lizard but dont like having the bugs in my house
my sister has 2 bearded dragons! when the male was out he came across one of her sons was a small dino and he thought it would be good to have a "fight" with it lol awesome stuff i had to video it!! have you noticed there odd ways of life :) btw the puppy!!! i want!!
Thanks everyone. I started off with snakes years back, my mum was more into lizards and kept dozens of different kinds. I fell for the bearded dragon through hers, they are all such characters lol. The Chameleons are grumpy buggers.
Really depends on where you are buying them from and the size. Babies from a private buyer you can get for about £25 same size from a pet store about £75 (some more some less but average is about that). Larger fully grown beardies can go for whole lot more, colouration also has a lot to do with it.

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