My little precious snakies....


Fish Crazy
Mar 1, 2004
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Hey, tried taking pics of my baby C. gachua. Cute little buggas to say the least. Always active in the tank. Great addition. Was hard taking photos though cuz the tank has really light gravel and a lotta light so it refracts a lot and makes things look really bright. Rather annoying to say the least. They are relatively small right now, there is a pic in the slide show of one of the 'larger' ones next to a neon tetra, just so you can get a feel for just how 'big' these guys precious little babies.....:D
vantgE said:
you got other tanks for them cause they'll eat each other will they not?
Haven't had any probs. with cannabilism yet. Had some aggression but thats normal. I don have larger tanks for them once they get bigger, just waiting for them to grow out. As long as the stay about the same size they should be alright for the cannabalism thing. Also i keep their bellies plump and full all the time so they have no reason to eat each
Started with 10...lost 3 somewhere, probably died after they arrived or jumped outa the tank somehow...and then i just sold 2 yesterday to a guy around i only have 5 left...sniffle...they grow up sooo fast!
Very Cool Snakies, Have Fun.
About time i saw some preds in the gallery!!!!

Snakeheads... those things take down platys well dont they :lol: j/k

Nice gachua, its a shame that they are starting to get banned... im hoping to pick up a redline before they get banned in michigan (if there not already :( )
all i know is they get big and will eat anything else in your tank, they'd kill your oscar drobs if that's what your wandering

EDIT-> oops, my bad shouldn't stereotype fish
Channa gachua is one of the dwarf species of snakehead and rarely excedes 8" in captivity, they are not as agressive as the larger species of snakeheads and can be combined with other similar sized semi aggressive fish, oscars would probably eat the gachua's!. In the wild the majority of their diet is made up of insects and their larvae though they will grab the occasional small labyrinth fish.
Are these another species of the fish that is causing so much trouble(some dumb *** released them in local waterways, even the potomac river) in the N east USA?

Just curious never actually seen a picture, just read the articles about them decimating the local wildlife.

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