My Little Nano Cube


New Member
Dec 20, 2007
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New York
Hey, just thought of putting up something. Anyway before anyone shoots me;
Yes I know it's only 12 Gallons :crazy: ,
Yes I know it's over crowded :crazy: ,
and Yes I am looking for people in my area who can take at least one of them :unsure: .
also, Yes that plant does not look real...cuz it isn't :sad: .
Well now that I got that out of the way here are 2 pics and a vid :good: :



looks good, i'd be more worried about the 10 gallon in your sig. you do realise pacu grow 3 feet long :crazy: if you type red belly pacu into google images you'll see some huge ones.

Emma :) do realise pacu grow 3 feet long :crazy: if you type red belly pacu into google images you'll see some huge ones.

Emma :)

yes i do know that and I've arranged for a friend of mine who has a 60+ gallons, since he lives all the way in brooklyn where they have a lot more flats, to take care of him once he's come of age. my pacu right now is barely an inch and a half so when he crosses the 3 inch mark i'll be ready to give him up. I'm still enjoying his aggressive qualities.

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