My Little Monsters!


Fish Crazy
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
Kendal, cumbria, UK
My hystrix stingray:




Giant gouramie:

spotted gar:


Hope you guys like it :hyper:
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: wow............. all I can say is WOW! I always wanted to keep an arowana,... but the funds for a massive tank is,... hard to come by for a 14 year old :p how big a tank do you keep the arowana in? It looks MUCH bigger than a 180. Nice sting ray too :D
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: wow............. all I can say is WOW! I always wanted to keep an arowana,... but the funds for a massive tank is,... hard to come by for a 14 year old :p how big a tank do you keep the arowana in? It looks MUCH bigger than a 180. Nice sting ray too :D

Well im 15yrs old and i bought ALL the fish and tank myself :p and it is only a 120g not a 180. A 180g is the minimum for a silver arow a 210 or a 300g is best.
Well im 15yrs old and i bought ALL the fish and tank myself :p and it is only a 120g not a 180. A 180g is the minimum for a silver arow a 210 or a 300g is best.

really? wow... congrats :p I can only do so much yardwork at a time, ya know? I have about $120 saved up so far, so maybe by the end of the summer i'll be able to get the 75 gal. I want :p you've inspired me :lol:
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: wow............. all I can say is WOW! I always wanted to keep an arowana,... but the funds for a massive tank is,... hard to come by for a 14 year old :p how big a tank do you keep the arowana in? It looks MUCH bigger than a 180. Nice sting ray too :D

Well im 15yrs old and i bought ALL the fish and tank myself :p and it is only a 120g not a 180. A 180g is the minimum for a silver arow a 210 or a 300g is best.
that giant gourami is going to outgrow your 120g pretty quick; the general figure quoted around here is 500g.
Well im 15yrs old and i bought ALL the fish and tank myself tongue2.gif and it is only a 120g not a 180. A 180g is the minimum for a silver arow a 210 or a 300g is best.

I'm 15 too :hyper:, and i have 7 tanks! (small ones)

Nice fish, that stingray is really awsome. What are the dimentions of your tank? Also for a silver arowana, i wouldnt keep one in a 180 gal as the minimum, i wouldnt put a silver in any tank that was shorter than 14ft long. They can get around 4ft in captivity so even a 300 wouldnt suit them in my opinion.
Really nice fish and tank!
Im Jealous of your ray, its stunning :( -_- :blink: :hey: :D


Thanks for all the comments, and the secerent to getting lots of cash in a sort period of time is "EBAY" :hey:

Also for a silver arowana, i wouldnt keep one in a 180 gal as the minimum, i wouldnt put a silver in any tank that was shorter than 14ft long. They can get around 4ft in captivity so even a 300 wouldnt suit them in my opinion.

Acctually the only reach a maximum of 3ft in a HOME aquaria, but in a public aquaria much bigger sizes are achived, as srows are flexiable a 30" arow can turn round quite happily in a 2ft space, on another website there is a guy whos silver is 28" long in a 6x2x2 and she laid her eggs, so she must be happy enough to feel safe to do that :p .

I also have a 60g, and 2x10g and a 30g as well as my 120g.
She laid eggs did she? Thats funny as being arowanas are mouth brooders not substrate spawners. :lol:
/me sits and giggles with CFC...

Lookslike you have some nice fish there though, although i'm not a fan of gars, they simply grow TOO big for tanks generally and and have an even more voracious apetite than arrowanas...

She laid eggs did she? Thats funny as being arowanas are mouth brooders not substrate spawners. :lol:
I think i know who he's talking about, but the tank only had a female, so no fertilization hence no mouth brooding. I saw pics

Rust, nice fish, but i hope you're doing more business on ebay to pay for an upgrade tank in the near future ;)

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